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How to Use Your Blog to Repair Your Damaged Online Reputation

We all know that it’s important to manage how people perceive us, particularly in the ever-increasingly utilized internet search. Many consumers go straight to the search engines before considering which brand to go with for a particular product purchase.… Click here to continue »

Clay Collins Founder Of Startup Leadbrite, Pioneer Of The Prelaunch, And Serial Entrepreneur Shares His Story

Tweet[powerpress] Download the Text Transcript in PDF (coming soon) Subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes Clay Collins is the founder of Leadbrite, the company behind LeadPages and LeadPlayer, two tools that are fast becoming the go-to-standards when it comes to collecting leads online with video and landing pages. This interview is epic in terms of how many things Clay talks about. He was a home schooled child, a founder of a software company at 15, a college grad and PhD student with published papers, became a social media expert in particular with Digg during its heyday, a niche marketer…

5 Daily Habits for Effective Social Media Marketing

Of all the things your business could be doing on social media, these are the things you should focus on.

Bryan Silverman on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Starting Up in College (Video)

As the College Entrepreneur of 2012, the co-founder of Star Toilet Paper discusses his top startup challenges and ways he’s helped overcome them.

RFID in the Sheets

USA Today: The plush robe in your hotel room now comes with an electronic leash. To keep robes and towels from checking out, a small but growing number of hotels are starting to use new radio frequency chips to keep track of their inventory. The RFID technology — which stands for radio frequency identification and requires an installed chip that can be read by an electronic reader — has been used by various industries for several years to organize product storage and tally shipments. With cotton prices rising and fewer employees in housekeeping, hotels are using the tech to monitor the whereabouts of bathrobes, bed sheets, duvet covers, bathmats, pool towels and banquet linens.

Earning money

8 Ways to Blow Getting a Job Interview

Once again we’re hiring at PushFire and once again that means I’m going through a slew of resumes to try and find some new – and awesome – members to add to the PushFire team. Add to that my post last week railing ForbesWoman for explaining how women have a hard time competing in today’s market for employment because they have to compete against men and I figured this would be a great time to post about what I see (and repeatedly at that) that actually hurts your opportunity to get the career you…

Earning money

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The Strangest Pet Insurance Claims

One of the latest trends in insurance news is pet insurance. As more people delay having children, pets become the default “children” of a couple or single person. People spend billions of dollars each year on their pets, so it makes sense that they would also want to insure their investment.About This is where pet insurance comes in. Pet insurance acts similarly to human health insurance. Pet owners can choose the desired coverage for their pets. Typical insurance plans cover both expected and unexpected health risks for cats, …

Carnival of Wealth, And Stay Out Edition

You can pray to Abaddon all you want. He’s not listening. The previous Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson, got our vote as the most corrupt, incompetent, unethical man ever to hold the position. Yet as low as he set the limbo bar, his successor cleared it with inches to spare. Tim Geithner has done more than any single man to prolong an economic miasma that walks like a depression, talks like a depression, yet is never officially …

Earning money


CAN START FOR NEXT TO NOTHING Maximizing profits involves cost-cutting methods of selling your products. We are assuming for this article that you, like most marketers are specializing in information and publications marketing. The best way to increase sales cheaply and effectively is to offer more items at any given time, and here’s how to

Converting techniques

[Interview]: Easy Testing Tools and Personalization with Tim Ash

Tim Ash, Landing Page Optimization host, interviews Dennis van der Heijden, founder and CEO of Living in San Diego, Tim wanted to know how got started, and of course, why in Cancun. “Well, I’m lucky to live there,” … Continue reading →The post [Interview]: Easy Testing Tools and Personalization with Tim Ash appeared first on Conversion Optimization Blog – Convert Insights.

Our Best of 2012

In case you missed some of the articles we published this year, I thought you might be interested in a recap of the ones that got the most attention. Here are the top 12 blog posts of 2012… 1. The Long-Term Impact of a High Landing Page Bounce Rate – It Could Hurt Your AdWords Quality Score We kicked off the year by making a startling claim: a high landing page bounce rate could hurt your AdWords Quality Score. Google uses every indicator it can…

Customer Value Index 200: Customer-centric companies have a higher valuation

We have written about the customer era before and pointed out how important the transformation is that is happening all over corporate america: now there is more proof that being customer centric is super profitable. Companies which focus on their customers get higher valuations and better investor returns on Wall Street. Forrester wrote about this phenomena in their book Outside In : companies which score high on the Forrester Customer Experience Index also outperform their peers on Wall Street. Now a savvy Wall Street investment firm has released an investment…

The Email Marketing Report Card

(Image source) li {margin-bottom:10px;} This is day 5, the last day, of our “Smart Email Marketing Conversion” week, make sure you check out the ones from earlier in the week if you missed them: Monday (today)“The Smart Guide to Email Marketing Conversion” ebook Tuesday3 Steps to Turn Your Blog Subscribers into Customers WednesdayCreating Irresistible Email Teaser Campaigns [Case Study] ThursdayHow to Write the Perfect Email Subject Line [Infographic] FridayThe Email Marketing Report Card Starting this week, you can access the Email Newsletter Report Card, a free tool to help you grade your …

Beauty Pays: Beautiful Websites (and People) Get Better Results

Does beauty sell? Most people would intuitively say ‘yes’, but what evidence is there that supports the claim? In today’s article we’ll take a look at the world of beautiful people, products, and design. How being beautiful has its upsides and sometimes, things to look out for. Welcome to the world of beautiful design, beautiful people, beautiful products, beautiful everything. I hope you enjoy your stay. Implications of being beautiful Beauty, money, and happiness Money can’t buy happiness, but maybe, just maybe, beauty can… what do you think? Economists at the University of Texas analyzed data from 5 large …

How to Get The 4-Hour Chef Audiobook Free — Only Until 10am PST (1pm EST)

Gilbert Gottfried reads 50 Shades of Grey. NSFW. Many of you have been asking me for the audiobook version of The 4-Hour Chef. Now that I control the rights, I’d like to offer it to you… for free. The offer is at the end of this post, but first… Who should join me? I’ll record a lot myself, but I’d like to involve other voice actors for small bits and pieces. Who would you vote for? Here are some of my favorites. If you like any other…

Converting techniques

Practical Resources for Google Analytics

Thanks to everyone who joined us at Convert Academy on December 12th for Yehoshoua Coren’s webinar: Analysis Strategies to Improve Conversions Using Google Analytics. Here are Yehoshua’s recommended resources for Google Analytics: Custom Report Share Advanced Web Metrics with Google … Continue reading →The post Practical Resources for Google Analytics appeared first on Conversion Optimization Blog – Convert Insights.

The Book that Redefines Conversion Optimization: You Should Test That!

I’m excited to announce that my new book is now shipping from Amazon! You Should Test That: Conversion Optimization for More Leads, Sales and Revenue or The Art and Science of Optimized Marketing is now available! It may be the longest book title ever, but hopefully it makes sense when you see the cover design. You can simply call it You Should Test That! You Should Test That!—the book that redefined conversion optimization In this post, I’d like to share some of the background, how this happened and what I hope the book to achieve. If you’d rather …

Save the date for the Customer Success Summit – March 14, 2013

We are proud to present the first ever Customer Success Summit, an invite only, unconference style event on Thursday March 14, 2013. The agenda is tailored exclusively for senior executives responsible for making existing customers successful and profitable in Internet and Software companies. Expected in attendance are: Customer Success Execs, CEOs, Founders, Chief Revenue Officers, VPs Customer Engagement, VPs Marketing. Enterprises have seen the customer landscape evolve into a new beast that puts customers and their experiences up at the top. Companies realize the need to shift gears and connect and win over their loyalty and customer love. 2013 is quickly turning…

5 Landing Page Conversion Killers

I’m watching you… (Image source) You may not know it, but there are a few conversion killers that stalk your landing pages, hacking and slashing away at your leads and sales when you aren’t looking. They’re quite insidious… you may not even know you’re making these mistakes. Fortunately, there are a variety of studies that can help us out in this regard. Today we’re going to look at a few more research studies that can help you drastically improve the “leaks” your landing pages may have at this very moment. Here are the 5 conversion killers you need to look out for… 1. Poor Typography & Whitespace Designers are going to rejoice hearing this, but marketers need to …

Website Usability Testing: A Must for Boosting Conversions

Usability testing is the black horse of boosting conversions. If your site is difficult to use or hard to understand (means it has usability problems), it will result in poor conversions. Website usability testing helps you identify all the main sources of friction, and thus boost conversions. The premise is simple: observe real users use and interact with your website, pay attention to their experiences and try to spot patterns. Once you have the results, iterate your site design and copy to minimize any barriers to accomplishing their on-site goals. This in …

The Diet of UFC Champion Georges St-Pierre: How He Transformed Himself

Georges St. Pierre, better known to fight fans worldwide as “GSP,” is currently the UFC Welterweight Champion. His publicly stated goal is to retire as the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world and, at a record of 23-2, ESPN currently ranks him as the #3 pound-for-pound fighter in the world. I think he’ll get there. His intellect–and consistency–is what separates him from the brawlers. He has a scientific approach to winning. This isn’t limited to training. He considers…