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Business opps

Servage Hosting Review – SUCKS! Don’t Work With Them… Serious Scam

Just wanted to start this post to let you know that I had serious problems with servage hosting, and they suck. This is not the first time that I’m losing money because of these guys. You send traffic to the server and it crashes instantly. When you ask servage for your money they don’t give

Business opps

Payday Advance Advice To The Every day Particular person

payday loans online no direct deposit needed Get short-term loan in Denver, CO by using $ 400 faxless payday loans direct lenders no teletrack direct lender. Sometimes you may feel nervous about spending your debts this week? Do you have experimented with every thing? Do you have experimented with a payday loan? A payday loan can supply you with the amount of money you must pay out charges today, and you can spend the money for bank loan way back in amounts. Nevertheless, there are certain things you have to know. Keep reading for ideas to help …


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Business opps

Is the Conventional System to Create Wealth Rigged?

I’ve got a confession for all of you: I’m getting impatient! It was approximately 10 years ago that I first learned what a 401k was (I had never even heard of one before) and began my first steps towards saving for retirement. Like many of The post Is the Conventional System to Create Wealth Rigged? appeared first on My Money Design. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

3 Questions To Ask Before Barging Into Buying Out A Business

3 Questions To Ask Before Barging Into Buying Out A Business is a post from: Finally, the New Year is here and you can embark on that new venture you have been dreaming of – being your own boss. Before you walk into the first building with a ‘Business For Sale’ sign, you need to know exactly what you are doing. It is not smart to jump into a situation simply because &ldquo…

Blogging Fears: My site will look amateur

This post is the fifth in the series of blogging fears (and how to overcome them). If you have lunch with writers, you’ll come away feeling insecure about your writing. If you have lunch with SEO experts you’ll want to do more with your SEO and if you have lunch with a designer, you’ll want to put your site in maintenance mode and never look at it again! There are many design principles for you to consider, if you…


How to Use Article Marketing Effectively for Traffic Generation and SEO

Article marketing has long been considered an easy way to build some back links to your site. Of course, the value passed to your site through these links is known to be virtually negligible. Smart bloggers have also learned that the quality of the…

How to Know if You’re Entering a Viable Niche

When western companies first visited a deregulated India, they were licking their fingers in anticipation. India was a country of just under one billion people at the time, and businessmen were seeing dollar signs everywhere they looked. But, numbers alone don’t make sales. Many companies burned themselves trying to get off the ground, because the vast majority of people simply couldn’t or wouldn’t buy their products. They learned — after a lot of trial and error — that sheer numbers aren’t everything. It’s impossible to know in advance if your business venture will be successful online. So, I suggest you look for one big factor before …

Bring Your Blogging Muse Back to Life

If you feel that your blogging mojo is flagging, sometimes all it needs is a jolt — or a series of such — to kick it back into gear. For many of us bloggers, dealing with the minutiae of our non-blogging lives and getting stuck in a routine are our biggest momentum killers. Sometimes it’s also self-doubt, running out of things to say, or other distractions that take the life out of blogging. It can be anything at all. You’re in the process of brainstorming for new content and someone’s at the door. Or you’re drafting your umpteenth post and the phone rings. Or someone tells you that your blog sucks and you begin…


You CAN Do Hangouts On Air (HOA) – Six Excuses Resolved

Since we have been doing Hangouts on Air each week for the Hot Blog Tips Newsletter Team, I have been encouraging others to give it a try. I often hear a few of the same excuses as to why “they” can’t do them. Let’s look at a few and see if we can’t get everyone The post You CAN Do Hangouts On Air (HOA) – Six Excuses Resolved appeared first on Blogging Tips For Bloggers – Learn

Are Article Directories Still Effective for Link Building?

As blog owners there is really nothing we love more than some good quality backlinks coming to our sites. The best backlinks are ones that come naturally from other bloggers and through social media. However not all of us can create incoming links simply by relying on outside bloggers and our site readers.For times like these many bloggers will look to alternative solutions to build incoming links. One of these alternatives is through article marketing and directories.The concept behind article directories is simple. Writers sign up to the web site and provide quality content and…

How to Use Multivariate Testing to Build the Ultimate Opt-in Form

This guest post is by Adam Connell of There’s a testing technique out there that’s not being used to its full potential—or even used at all by most website owners. Today I want to show you how you can use it to create the ultimate high-converting opt-in form. So what is multivariate testing? It’s essentially very similar to split testing. The difference is that it takes into account a…

5 Steps To Grow Your Startup With Content Marketing

1. Know Your Customer Content Marketing isn’t about your product– it’s about your customers’ interests. If you don’t have customers or users yet, make sure you have a clearly defined target customer before you continue with content marketing (or product development, for that matter). If you have customers or users, find out who they are and build a primary archetype for that person. Give that person a first name, a profession, age, gender, how they like…

Facebook Groups Faux Pas

With almost 5,000 ‘friends’ from both my business and personal life, it’s not too often that I get really upset by what anyone does or says on Facebook. My Facebook timeline is open to everyone and all opinions… and although I argue a lot about politics with some folks, it’s rare that I would ‘unfriend’ anyone just because their opinion differs from mine. It’s good to share. We all learn something. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. Basically, Facebook is what it is. HOWEVER, and that is a BIG however, what I do NOT appreciate, is being added to groups, especially those that I would never choose to join, had I been sent an invitation. …

The Best and Worst Website Layout

Don’t judge a website layout by its appearance – judge it by how well it fulfills its purpose. Business websites exist to make money, and often the most profitable websites include some ugly features, such as advertisements. But almost all websites should use some design elements and avoid others, so here is the best and worst you can do with a website layout: The Worst Website Layout Let’s start with the worst website layout. The first thing you notice about it is that’s it’s cluttered with content, advertisements, navigation, notices, and other features. As I mentioned earlier, ugly websites can…

Making Money Online with a Second Language

As Americans climb out of difficult financial times, student loans remain an economic barrier to many, with loan debt growing in every quarter since 2003. Repayment is a burden for many current students and graduates. What can you do to rid yourself of the debt accumulated? I recently spoke with a community college graduate who smartly navigated his way out of educational debt through leveraging his proficiency in a second language. Though highly intelligent and proficient in their own languages, many students at his school were having trouble mastering English, and needed someone …

Internet marketing

Link Building – How is it different for affiliates?

I want to address the perceived difference between the strategies used by affiliate marketers and merchants. In researching this post, I read a number of other blog posts and a number of presentations around the topic of how affiliates can get links. It struck me that the tools and techniques being talked about would fit in fine with pretty much any type of link building campaign, whether it was for an affiliate or not. To illustrate the point, these websites are affiliates: MoneySupermarket AsiaroomsAt first glance, you wouldn’t put them in the affiliates category, but they are. You can call them super-affiliates because there are huge businesses behind them, but the …

Ideas & strategies

How I Built 20 Profitable Websites Quickly. Stages + Outsourcing + Resources

The single biggest contributor to my financial success with online business has been the amount of profitable niche websites I’ve been able to develop over time. I currently own over 20 profitable niche websites, each of which generates income from a variety of sources such as contextual ads, private placement ads, affiliate product sales, sales of my own products as well as lead generation. Although I have been working on what would be considered an “authority” website (outside of this blog), most of my online income is generated by the portfolio of niche…

Ideas & strategies

The Incredibly Useful Value of Links Beyond SEO by Dixon Jones

Whether it was at SES London or one of the many other search marketing conferences in the U.S., I’ve always been able to count on Dixon Jones for great advice on link building. Dixon was recently recognized for his content contributions to the online marketing world in our Top UK Online Marketing Influencers and Bloggers list. Working with Majestic SEO as their Director of Marketing, (TopRank has used Majestic for years) Dixon has been a fountain of smarts when it comes to the value of of links for SEO, but also for many other purposes. Links are the connective tissue of the web. Before Google and …

Ideas & strategies

Viral Marketing Effect Brought By Micro-blogging

Currently almost everyone has a mobile phone. Just imagine the viral marketing effect this can have on your online business links. Make money online with the latest work at home jobs. Now make money blogging from free website traffic sources. Making money online has suddenly become delightful.

XForex – Can you earn an extra $1000 next month?

Want to Make Money online with forex trading, then you must try XForex XForex – where technology meets the world of finance; where technology meets foreign currency. XForex is an innovative and regulated company which has developed a robust and unique web trading platform for foreign currency trading. Our platform was created in 2003 and developed by traders who understand the needs of a beginner trader but also satisfy the advanced ones. The Xforex platform is one of the most popular trading platforms worldwide and has been offering traders worldwide, premium services, tools and resources as well as the cutting-edge platform, all of which have contributed to the broker’s popularity since its inception …

The 20 Biggest Benefits of Blogging

20 years ago, blogs didn’t exist. Today, there are over 150 million of them. Still, I get a lot of puzzled looks when I tell people that having a blog is the single most important thing a business, cause, or person can do to advance online. Even though ‘blogging’ has hit it big, most people don’t get what makes blogging so powerful, helpful, and beneficial. To put an end to that, I’ve compile a list of the 20 biggest benefits of having a blog below. If you’re among the uninitiated, prepare to be enlightened. If you’ve already started a blog of your own (as I assume many …

How to get 80{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} of the results with 20{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} of the content

When should you write? How often? How long should your blog posts be? Should you have a schedule? I get asked these questions and similar every week, between emails, Q&A calls/webinars, and clients. Content is becoming super important. We used to talk about if content was king or not. Now, I see a shift. The content creator is now king. (click to tweet) Keeping the crown is getting tougher than ever, though. The problem is, people get caught up in thinking they don’t have time, are not good enough, not …

finance & investing

Balancing Risk With the Need to Earn From Your Investments

This Post was Originally published at Balancing Risk With the Need to Earn From Your Investments on Start Investing MoneyThe whole point of investments is to earn money on them. It doesn’t matter whether you put money in a savings account, stocks and shares, real estate investing, mutual funds or anything else. What matters is the ability to earn money on those funds in order to make the investment worthwhile. Focusing on risk We all know riskier investments tend to bring better rewards. However they also bring bigger chances of losing out on those rewards – and indeed on the money we have invested in the first place. The idea is to balance out the need for risk with the rewards you are…