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I Own 100 Trillion Zimbabwe Dollars!

I am the proud owner of 100 Trillion Zimbabwe dollars, actually that does make me a trillionaire, but I just wish they were US dollars instead. I love currency collecting and today exchanged a novel 100 trillion dollar currency note and its actually the highest value currency note ever produced for legal tender anywhere in the world. Its not fake and is a true collectible for currency collectors, but its not as valuable as you would expect. 100 Trillion Zimbabwe Dollars It is actually the maximum number of 14 zeros you will ever see on a currency note – 100,000,000,000,000, much beyond a million or billion, but still lesser than Googol! How is this possible? The Zimbabwe Dollar story is…

Budgets and Diets Are a Waste of Time!

Budgets and diets are a waste of time! Most, if not all personal finance (PF) bloggers are probably surprised I would say that. A budget or diet is not the answer for overspending or overeating. If these things worked for everyone, there would be no debt or overweight people. A budget or diet is intended to help us reach a financial or personal goal. Do budgets or diets even work? I spent my entire career preparing budgets, five (5) year plans, strategic plans and business…

Let’s Get Together At jvAlert Live!

Hey everyone! Let’s get together at the big jvAlert Live Event happening in San Diego February 8-10. I’m going and I know that you want to go as well, so let’s make it happen! If you can get there, it will be a “win-win” situation for both of us. I’m a fun guy to hang around with and I promise you’ll have a great time. There’s just nothing like meeting face to face and we can talk about all kinds of ways that we can work…


Need Hosting Advice? Look No Further!

In the process of creating websites, people often come to a major roadblock, choosing a web page hosting service. A web page hosting service features a server that allows its users to upload their content to the Internet and bring their website to life. This roadblock can be eliminated with the right information, such as the advice from the following article. Be sure that you know what type of operating system you will need for hosting (UNIX based or Windows based). There are many hosting companies that will provide either UNIX or Linux operating system-based serves, though you have to be sure that this is what you are going to need to …

How to earn money writing product reviews?

Though this blog post should be published in my “Get paid to write” blog, due to less visitors, I am publishing it here.Opinions-they are big cash earners in the internet provided, the opinion is:* About what* From whomIf your opinion is about a product that appears in the ‘trends’ for some time, then, you are likely to cash in. There are several sites that pay for your opinion if the two above parameters are taken care of.Getting paid for voicing your opinion online is fun and very easy too as there is no investment at all.One place of the companies is …

5 Lessons From a $213,000 Launch

Two weeks ago our little 3-person company launched a new video training platform and community for online business builders. The launch (which was actually iterated over 3.5 months) was a hit. We exceeded our expectations and brought in a nice chunk of revenue (which I’ll detail below). We also learned a lot, partly through experimentation, partly by talking with other entrepreneurs, and partly by reading everything we could about launching this kind of service online. I’ve been working online for a while now (Think Traffic will be three years old in March), but I still remember so clearly years ago wondering if I could really do it — if I could bootstrap a small business based around…

When Will Be Next Google Pagerank Update In 2013?

New Year is here; and all bloggers and webmasters are eagerly waiting for the next Google Page Rank update, which is expected anytime soon. Many forums are already buzzing the rumors of Google PageRank release, but the truth is Google hasn’t rolled out any PageRank update for 2013 yet. However, based on last updates one can predict when Google will roll out its next PageRank update. But before we go any further, let us get a quick review of WHAT GOOGLE PAGE RANK is all about… Google count link votes and determines most important pages based on them with the help of PageRank. This ranking algorithm assigns numeric weights to every single page crawled by Google, the total range of weight is divided into 11 parts…

Top Three Inbound Marketing Strategies for Mobile Apps

Posted by robigangulyThis post was originally in YouMoz, and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. Disclaimer: This post is an extension of the recent Mozinar “Standing Out in the Sea Of Apps: Building an Audience of Fans for Your Mobile App’s Success” and covers questions from audience Q&A. You can watch the recorded Mozinar here! Mobile. The very word makes some of us cringe …

10 Ways to Save $100 This Week

This post is part of America Saves Week. Money is like a cake. When you get that delicious dessert, it can be tempting to eat it all at once. But if you do, you’ll end up with a stomachache, that sugarcoated feeling on your teeth, and perhaps most importantly — no cake for later. Similarly, if you spend all of your money, you’ll probably end up regretting your splurges — and wishing you had some funds sitting in the bank. Often, savings strategies are obvious — you set a big piece of cake aside, and it’s there waiting for…

Do You Have To Quit Your Job To Be Financially Successful?

One of the themes that seems to circulate is that in order to find true financial success, you have to start your own business with the idea of eventually quitting your day job. While many of us like the idea of working from home (often in our pajamas), a home business isn’t for everyone. Indeed, there are plenty of people who are just fine working for “the man” — and that’s ok. Do You Really Want to Quit Your Job? My husband teaches a couple of online courses for a local university each semester. The reality is that, if he …

Kick Off Your Financial Super Bowl: You Vs. Debt

Note: This is a post from Courtney Baker, chief seller and long-time running wo-man of MvD. While the Ravens and 49ers are prepping for the big game this weekend, the Man Vs. Debt team has been prepping for a showdown of our own – the You Vs. Debt Kickoff 2013 session. You see, as we sat down to review the daily lessons and challenges that make up our six-week class, we couldn’t help but notice how the journey of our previous student felt like…

The DIY House Renovation is Complete! Check Out the Photos!

google_ad_client = “ca-pub-3879908623510580”; /* 300×250, created 11/10/10 */ google_ad_slot = “7037050704”; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250;So believe it or not, but the DIY house renovation is complete! I’m actually not sure I believe it yet! The renovation started in August 2011, and now it is finally complete almost a year and a half later. After all of these renovations though, I absolutely love the house. With each nook and cranny, I see my handy work and it all came out better than I even expected.The…

10 Business Lessons I Learned in Vegas at New Media Expo

At the beginning of January I attended New Media Expo (formerly Blog World) in Las Vegas. I went to learn more about taking my online business to the next level, and meet some of my favorite bloggers in person. I had an absolute blast — and even though I didn’t win big at the slots or tables, I did win big when it came to picking up some tips and tricks. Here are the top 10 business lessons from my trip to New Media Expo. 1. Your brand needs personal photos In the first session I attended, the awesome CC Chapman talked about how using your own photos for blog posts is essential for your online business. With the …

How to Get Major Press For Your Startup, Small Business, Or Website (with No Connections and Without a PR firm)

The benefits of getting featured in a major newspaper, on a huge blog, in an industry-leading magazine, or on TV are clear: The RIGHT coverage can flood your business with hundreds (and sometimes THOUSANDS) of new users, prospects, and customers. (Who doesn’t want more customers? ) The RIGHT coverage will make your phone blowup with calls (and text messages) from friends, family, and colleagues (“Dude, I just saw you on…”)…


Small Business Spotlight – Get Organized Now!

In the first of an ongoing series of interviews showcasing small business success stories, I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Maria Gracia of Get Organized Now! As a Professional Organizer, Maria’s business helps people organize their homes, offices, and schedules to free up more time to spend on things they love. What I found particularly interesting was Maria’s willingness to shift away from a traditional client-service role in her business. Embracing the internet as an information channel has dramatically increased Maria’s worldwide …

Is Dr. David Eifrig’s Retirement Trader .COM a Scam or What?

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve heard on of the many radio ads for RetirementTrader.COM and are wondering if the Retirement Trader Bucket System is real or some kind of investing scam? It’s understandable. It certainly sounds like a scam. Retirement Trader is presented as the investment secret of a retired doctor, and he’s sharing his system with you, dear listener! All you have to do is go to the website mention about a …


Getting Information about Sales Lead Tracking Software

Sales lead tracking is often a incredibly crucial a part of the remote sales process. With it, a remote sales organization can seriously flourish. There are various B2B software solutions offered to assist with sales lead tracking. This incorporates Consumer Romantic relationship Management (CRM) techniques that track and calendar every …


How To Prepare Yourself To Be An Expert In Forex Trading

How To Prepare Yourself To Be An Expert In Forex TradingThe worst part of Forex trading is the possibility that you could experience a great loss. This article contains a number of tips that will help you to trade safely. You can find news about the forex market anytime and anywhere. You can look on the Internet, search on Twitter and look on the … … Read OnHow To Prepare Yourself To Be An Expert In Forex Trading is a post from: Online Jobs Income At Home

What Would Happen to My Online Business if I Died?

This is a guest post by Chris Huntley, a good friend of mine who works in life insurance. We’ve had lunch together quite a few times and we usually discuss topics like blogging and the joy (and challenge) of being parents, but at one particular lunch we started talking about how more and more people are becoming solo entrepreneurs and that because it’s happening so fast, most of those business owners probably don’t have a “business continuation plan” that determines what would happen to their business if they were to die. Although I have some of the basics in place, this discussion was a big wake up call for me, especially because my online businesses are the primary source of income …

Passive income

Fuel bills are rising, what can you do?

Now that much of the country has been covered in a blanket of snow and temperatures have dropped below zero, most of us will be keen to turn the thermostat up on heating systems. But with the cost of energy being as high as it is, thousands of households will find that having a little warmth can have seriously detrimental effects on the state of their finances. According to MoneySupermarket, 40 per cent of annual energy use occurs during the winter months so it’s far from surprising that people are often hit with more expensive bills than they expected. Indeed, the price comparison website believes that the average family will receive a quarterly bill of around £530 in …

How to Get More Subscribers for Your Email List

This is a guest post by Amit Shaw of iTechCode.A powerful Email marketing is deficient without a good big subscriber list. But, this isn’t a problem anymore as many ways are available today to get more subscribers for Email list.Generally, website owners make use of their own websites to bring together various Email addresses to enlarge their email list.Moreover, some of the website owners create different websites just to fetch more …

The wisdom and effectiveness of experimental marketing.

“Telling lies do not work in ads”, I read this long back and that made a big impact on me. I strove hard to come up with my online ads that invoked the truth embedded -both in the ad and in the minds of the target audience.I did not search for ads that instantly held my mind and my eyes. Such advertisements should not be searched; they should come to your attention. They should stay in your memory for long …


Digital Marketing Growth Opportunity is Knocking: Are You Answering?

Since 2001 our “practice what we preach”, digital marketing and PR agency at TopRank has experienced growth every year. Like many frugal and efficiency focused businesses, we’ve been conservative about business operations, taking on zero debt and running pretty lean. All of our marketing (and most PR) is inbound. We do not employ dedicated sales people or spend on advertising. This approach has kept us small but extremely efficient with exceptional project management, account management and consulting capabilities that exceed those of agencies many times our size. Staying healthy during lean economic times is smart, but growth is in our future. …


The Good Life Services Inc. to hold Entrepreneur Enlightenment…

New York, NY January 15, 2013 Richard Dumaresq will be highlighting the most important aspects of Internet Marketing to entrepreneur on the 20th of January.