
How online safety tech is failing women

A team of researchers at King’s College London, has demonstrated that, despite being the more vulnerable group when it comes to cyber abuse, women engage much less than men with security and privacy tech.  Led by Dr Kovila Coopamootoo, lecturer…

Sales Coaching Software: A Modern Business Solution

Sales coaching is extremely important in honing skills and boosting performance in the fast-paced business world. Imagine having a powerful tool at your fingertips to enhance this process further. That’s where sales coaching software steps in. This article explores the…

The useful agreement | Seth’s Blog

Contrary to expectations, written contracts don’t have to be adversarial. In fact, the effective ones rarely are. When you hand someone a release, a royalty agreement or even a partnership document, it pays to point out the gnarly parts, the…

4 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Business Revenue

Setting up a business can be challenging. What’s even more challenging is to run it and keep your revenue flowing. But if you have to make your business successful in the long run, you need to ensure that you have…

UK’s promise to protect encryption is ‘delusional,’ say critics

The British government’s promise to protect encryption has been pilloried by security experts and libertarians. The dispute stems from a section of the Online Safety Bill. Under the legislation, messaging apps would be forced to provide access to private communications…

Marketing Video Tips for Your Small Business

You’re almost there. You have your blog up and running and you’re publishing content consistently. You have the copywriting handled. You might have even set up your email list software. These are all essential components of a marketing effort. But…

Hope and truth | Seth’s Blog

The candidate running for re-election offers truth. This is what I did, I would like to do it again. The candidate coming out of nowhere offers hope. We can’t know but we can imagine. Kickstarter offers hope. No reviews, no…

6 Effective Ways to Get More Backlinks for Your Website

Did you know that 91{1652eb1ffa4184925f6a63a9c04ea6b421acb7a78117241e7d4325cdca8339fa} of websites fail to attract any organic traffic due to the absence of quality backlinks? Having a strong backlink profile is very important. It enables you to build authority in your respective industry and helps…

Aerospace tech company to issue contrail reduction ‘credits’

UK-based aerospace software startup ZEROAVIA announced today that sustainability certification body Gold Standard has approved its methodology concept to issue what could be referred to as “contrail credits.”  Rather than offsetting carbon emissions directly (like carbon credits), they will offer…

How AI Will Impact the Future of Work

As artificial Intelligence implementation is on the rise in the United States, education becomes more vital than ever. Aircall’s Chief Technology & Product Officer and co-founder, Pierre-Baptiste Béchu, describes how AI will impact the future of work and steps we…

The gratuitous use of plastic

At the dawn of the plastic age, it was a cheap substitute. The word “plasticky” is not a compliment. Over time, the plastics industry developed new finishes, colors and most of all, cultural impact, and extra (wasted) plastic packaging was…

How to Boost Sales Through Your Blog Content

Are you looking for ways to increase sales through your blog content? Many entrepreneurs and marketing professionals dedicate a lot of time, energy, and effort into crafting quality blog posts but often find themselves stuck in the same place –…

Oceans. Artists sailing through awe, monsters and otherness – We Make Money Not Art

Oceans, edited by writer and art historian Pandora Syperek and art historian Sarah Wade. Published by MIT Press. Oceans is part of a Whitechapel Gallery series titled The Documents of Contemporary Art. Each volume focuses on a specific subject or…

Meta succumbs to EU pressure, will seek user consent for targeted ads

Meta operates a highly targeted advertising model based on the swathes of personal data you share on its platforms, and it makes tens of billions of dollars off it each year.  While these tactics are unlikely to end altogether in…

How to Become an Amazon Flex Driver

If you buy something through our links, we may earn money from our affiliate partners. Learn more. If you’re looking for a flexible gig that lets you earn on your own terms, becoming an Amazon Flex driver might be just…

Should we assume rational goodwill?

There’s often a choice between following the cultural dictates of a given group or seeking out demonstrable facts and the scientific method. Which do you expect most people would choose? Which would you choose? When we revert to a testable…

How ebooks will grow your business

While many people and brands realize the importance of content marketing, they seldom see beyond blog creation. Actually, you need a variety of content to help your business grow online. You need to podcasts, videos, online courses, images, slides, and……

Generative AI could undermine elections in US and India, study finds

AI image generators could undermine upcoming elections in the world’s biggest democracies, according to new research Logically, a British fact-checking startup, investigated AI’s capacity to produce fake images about elections in India, the US, and the UK. Each of these…

Product and process | Seth’s Blog

What do we get in exchange for our work? There’s pay, of course, and the satisfaction of a job well done. There’s stress and human interaction, learning and physical exertion. We get the drama of what might happen next and…

7 Useful Tips to Generate Quality Leads Through Your Blog

Did you know that 77{1652eb1ffa4184925f6a63a9c04ea6b421acb7a78117241e7d4325cdca8339fa} of people read blogs on the internet? Blogging encompasses diverse use cases. It can be your favorite pastime to write about things that interest you or a standalone entrepreneurship opportunity. However, the benefits of blogging…

Can new advances in AI bring the ‘human touch’ chatbots are sorely missing?

When chatbots first became commercially accessible, companies big and small embraced them with open arms. “Have a robot handle easy customer service questions in seconds? Amazing!” — we thought. The problem was, these early chatbots were less C-3PO and more…

What is a ChatGPT Prompt?

Have you ever wondered how computers can generate human-like text? Well, ChatGPT, an advanced language model, is how. In this article, we will explore what exactly a ChatGPT prompt is. We’ll also look at how it plays an important role…

Chasing cool

The cool thing is always a little out of reach. And for most of us, once we get it, it’s not seen as cool any more. This is not an accident. One definition of cool are things that are just…

5 Insanely Effective Sales Promotion Ideas for More Conversions

One of your major concerns, when you’re running a business, is to increase your sales. Sure, you have other priorities too. But you can’t expect to boost your conversions without getting more sales. The problem however is that you can’t…