Internet marketing

How Medical Tourism Saved Me Thousands as a Recent Grad

The way I see it, for recent grads, Obamacare was a blessing and a curse. When it passed in 2010, I was a few months out of college, 22 years old, freelance writing and under-employed. I was buying my own health insurance for (what I thought at the time) was an astronomical fee of $120 per month from BCBS North Carolina. I had vision and dental coverage, and regardless of the care I got, my insurance almost always helped me out with something – even if it was just a reduced co-pay for seeing a specialist.It was a total God-…

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Kaiku Visa Prepaid Card Review

If you are looking for a prepaid card, I found the BEST one for you. I recently had the opportunity to review the Kaiku Visa prepaid card and it did not disappoint.I used the Kaiku Visa prepaid card for a little less than two months so I know I am giving an honest review today. I had no problem whatsoever with the card and it was accepted everywhere I went because of the universal Visa symbol.Below are two main questions you may be wondering when it comes to the Kaiku Visa prepaid card. If you have…

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Never Let a “Writers Block” Leave Your Site Paralyzed Again

So you’ve found a niche for your money making ideas, identified your keywords and phrases, and set up your website. It’s time to start (and keep) adding content.After all, site visitors aren’t going to hang around long enough to see your ads or listen to your affiliate pitch if they don’t find something on the page that interests them. No matter what your monetization strategy is, you want your site to be something that provides people value so they will keep coming back for more. The only way you are going to…

8 Things You Must Do Before You Even Start Looking for Clients

So you have decided to give freelancing, one of the most popular money making ideas, a shot.Great!What now? Where do you get started? Well, considering that the three most important words in the world of freelancing are – clients, clients and clients, we may as well get started there.Freelancers work based on the demands of their clients, and without clients, a freelancer would be just another couch potato.Finding clients is the ultimate goal for freelancers, but before you even you start looking …

5 Ways To Improve The Look Of Your Office

My last job was a complete bore. The work was hard and stressful, but still boring at the same time. It showed too. I never spent a second longer in my office than I had to and I was always practically running away from the office.This meant that my office was ugly. Since I didn’t care, I didn’t spend any time on making it look nicer.However, everything is completely different now. I’m constantly looking up different ways to …

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3 Reasons To Have a Business Credit Card

If you have a business, then you might want to look into getting a credit card for it.As I always say, only do this if you are actually good at managing credit cards though. Getting a credit card for any reason is not worth it if it just leads to credit card debt.A business credit card has so many positives, and I only recently realized this. I should have done this years ago as it has helped me earn money and it has made life a little easier as well.Below are three reasons to have a business credit card. If you are currently only using…

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Are Post-Secondary Degrees Really Necessary Anymore?

With so many alternatives for career advancement available these days, there’s a hot debate over whether post secondary degrees are even necessary for success any more. Certainly there are fields, like science, medicine and engineering, where an advanced degree is a requirement, but what about those who aren’t interested in pursuing careers in those fields?Aside from the cost of a higher education and the delay in beginning your professional life, there are many more benefits to furthering your education beyond a high school diploma or undergraduate degree that go beyond a much higher pay rate, sometimes up to three times more than a bachelors degree alone. For example, courses are often taught by instructors who have extensive knowledge and …

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3 Key Questions for Finding the Best Types of Marketing Strategies For You

The reason I decided to write this blog post is best explained by a short story, so sit back with your cup of coffee and join me on my journey across the Internet. I was browsing around, flicking through some social media strategy posts to get information, and I noticed something that I've seen far too often. As I ventured from one post to the next, they had completely opposite advice, with supporting statistics for each. Isn't that just enough to make you throw all your papers (or the more expensive but modern version: your laptop) off of your desk and walk out, proclaiming that the internet is too confusing and you’re going to some …

Monetize That Mobile Site: 3 Sources of Mobile App Affiliate Programs

Don't let the title fool you. Yes this is about monetizing your mobile site (or your mobile app, if you have one), but these mobile app affiliate programs are not only for mobile sites. You can monetize any site with them, as long as the mobile app is within your niche. wrote in August last year that the mobile apps market is big and bound to get even bigger. The site claims that by 2017, "over 268 billion downloads will generate $77 billion worth of revenue." Think about how engaged you are on your phone, tweeting, updating Facebook, downloading new apps — maybe you've even purchased through your mobile phone. And you wouldn't…

How to Get More Subscribers On Your Mailing List With These 5 Relationship Rules

A lot of the relationship rules that I'm about to cover may seem a little cliché, and anyone who's active in the relationship niche will recognize them pretty quickly. But the interesting thing is how these simple rules are so in tune with the best practices for an amazing opt-in process for your mailing list. You might be thinking, how on earth did you make this connection? It all started when I was talking to my brother about my view on marketing, considering I come from a media background. I admitted that once upon a time, with a dream of creating movies that make tears leak from people's eyes, I really thought that anything to…

How to Choose Keywords in a Way That Makes Sense: 5 Easy Steps

Now that I've told you to forget keywords just a few weeks ago, and I've given you time to mull that over, it’s time to revisit them. If you’re not sure what I'm talking about, check out the blog post here. It’ll make a lot of the following information a lot more straightforward. Yes, a unified content front is the most important thing, and yes there are many other ways of getting your content in front of …

Google is sorry for peeing on Apple

Google has apologized for having an image of their Android mascot peeing on Apple’s logo. The image was posted on Google Maps through map maker by a user and went viral within minutes. A spokesperson from Google said that the team is trying to curb such bad edits from being online. This is what Google had to say in response… “We’re sorry for this inappropriate user-created content; we’re working to remove it quickly. We also learn from these issues, and we’re constantly improving how…

Watch this Copyright Infringing Site Disappear

Since registering his domain in mid-February, James Reinhold has put a LOT of effort into building and marketing his new blog. He has already signed up 1390 subscribers to his newsletter by offering a copy of his new e-book. In the last week alone, James has created a new header graphic, replaced the theme’s standard favicon and added links to his social media sites. He also installed the MaxBlogPress Subscriber magnet plugin and placed new banner advertising in his sidebar and below the author’s box on his posts. What is MOST impressive however, is that he posted 19 full length articles and book reviews over just two days! OK, you guessed it, James Reinhold (most likely NOT his real name) is…

Curate Content for a Well-Balanced Blog

Many bloggers see content curation as unimaginative and, at the very worst, lazy. But re-sharing, re-tweeting, and re-blogging engaging online content can actually be just as creative as writing fresh, original blog posts. Not only can it flesh out your blog or social media platform with thoughtful commentary from fellow creators, but it can also help create a unique composition that truly represents your personal image, brand, or message you’d like to convey to your audience. The success of platforms like Pinterest and Tumblr speaks to the power of content curation for all types of bloggers, but …

4 Tips For Raising Prices

Occasionally, there comes a time when you may start thinking about raising the prices for the products or services that your business sells.You may be thinking about raising your prices for many different reasons. It can be a hard decision, but sometimes it just needs to be done if you want your business to continue to make a profit.Below are my four tips for raising prices for the products or services that your business sells. Yes, you CAN raise your prices at your business so that you can either get out of…

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Monetize That Health Site With These 3 Pharmacy Affiliate Programs!

Purchasing online is beyond a growing trend. Statistics show that is it fast becoming a way of life with digital shoppers estimated to reach 200 million this year. Most of us go online to purchase software, clothes and books but given the convenience shopping online offers, it's no surprise we can purchase food items and medicines through the Internet now too. This brings us to this week's niche : pharmacy affiliate programs. The pharmaceutical industry is made up of companies that develop, produce and…

5 Steps To Grow Your Startup With Content Marketing

1. Know Your Customer Content Marketing isn’t about your product– it’s about your customers’ interests. If you don’t have customers or users yet, make sure you have a clearly defined target customer before you continue with content marketing (or product development, for that matter). If you have customers or users, find out who they are and build a primary archetype for that person. Give that person a first name, a profession, age, gender, how they like…

Facebook Groups Faux Pas

With almost 5,000 ‘friends’ from both my business and personal life, it’s not too often that I get really upset by what anyone does or says on Facebook. My Facebook timeline is open to everyone and all opinions… and although I argue a lot about politics with some folks, it’s rare that I would ‘unfriend’ anyone just because their opinion differs from mine. It’s good to share. We all learn something. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. Basically, Facebook is what it is. HOWEVER, and that is a BIG however, what I do NOT appreciate, is being added to groups, especially those that I would never choose to join, had I been sent an invitation. …

The Best and Worst Website Layout

Don’t judge a website layout by its appearance – judge it by how well it fulfills its purpose. Business websites exist to make money, and often the most profitable websites include some ugly features, such as advertisements. But almost all websites should use some design elements and avoid others, so here is the best and worst you can do with a website layout: The Worst Website Layout Let’s start with the worst website layout. The first thing you notice about it is that’s it’s cluttered with content, advertisements, navigation, notices, and other features. As I mentioned earlier, ugly websites can…

Making Money Online with a Second Language

As Americans climb out of difficult financial times, student loans remain an economic barrier to many, with loan debt growing in every quarter since 2003. Repayment is a burden for many current students and graduates. What can you do to rid yourself of the debt accumulated? I recently spoke with a community college graduate who smartly navigated his way out of educational debt through leveraging his proficiency in a second language. Though highly intelligent and proficient in their own languages, many students at his school were having trouble mastering English, and needed someone …

Internet marketing

Link Building – How is it different for affiliates?

I want to address the perceived difference between the strategies used by affiliate marketers and merchants. In researching this post, I read a number of other blog posts and a number of presentations around the topic of how affiliates can get links. It struck me that the tools and techniques being talked about would fit in fine with pretty much any type of link building campaign, whether it was for an affiliate or not. To illustrate the point, these websites are affiliates: MoneySupermarket AsiaroomsAt first glance, you wouldn’t put them in the affiliates category, but they are. You can call them super-affiliates because there are huge businesses behind them, but the …