Internet marketing

Do’s And Dont’s of Press Releases

Press Releases are official statements given to newspapers containing information about a particular matter. Businesses use this as tool of marketing and it does work. But only if you do it right. That’s why we are going to talk about do’s and don’ts of press releases for all kinds of businesses and blogs. Do’s of Press Releases Create a catchy headline: You got that press release published because you wanted people to read it. Right? So, if you really want the people to read the press release, make sure you use a catchy headline …

Why youtube marketing is Important?

YouTube Marketing is the most underutilized marketing tool at present. With billions of users and millions of views every day, youtube has become an encyclopaedia. More and more people are using videos to solve their problems, learn new things and for entertainment. If your business hasn’t started youtube marketing yet, you must begin NOW. Here are some important things you must know Youtube can provide you , if used efficiently. Improve SEO: Let’s talk of how much money have you paid for the search engine optimization of your website, for appearing on the first page of Google search results, for getting audience for your site… We …

5 Must Have Safety Equipment For Office

Your employees are the biggest asset of your company and you need to make sure that you have adequate safety equipment for office. Why? You simply cannot afford even a small injury of your employee. You cannot afford accidents that can be clearly avoided. How? By investing in safety equipment for office, you would send a message to your employees that you care for them as well as you would do a great favour to your business. Of course, some safety equipment cost a fortune but today, we’re going to list the equipment which don’t cost much but come quite handy in times of emergency. Safety Signs: We often do meetings in KFC and McDonalds. …

This startup raised $220 M Even Before Its Launch

Fundraising is definitely the most terrifying and exhausting process. You have a brilliant idea, you know it will work, you know how to make it work, you believe in it but that doesn’t matter. What matters is what the investor thinks of your startup. You need to work a lot to sharpen your selling skills and impress an investor. But maybe some start-ups are really lucky. What else can you say about this new startup that intends to compete with Amazon? This startup has already raised $220 million before its launch. We’re talking about About is an ecommerce start-up that aims…

Internet marketing

How being organized helps entrepreneurs?

A successful entrepreneur – this term has become more of a buzzword for everyone gets fascinated by these three words and it seems like everyone dreams of being related to these words at one point of their life or another. Trust me! It is difficult to actually be a successful entrepreneur. Not only you need a business idea and work hard on it but also you require a lot of changes in your personal life. You need to change how you live, …

5 Kinds of people that help you to be an entrepreneur

Do you want to be an entrepreneur? It is extremely important that you surround yourself with right kind of people that help you be in the right kind of environment and state of mind so as to utilize your full potential and establish yourself as a successful entrepreneur. While my post clearly pointed out 5 kinds of people you should avoid in order to be an entrepreneur, I thought it was important to share what kinds of people can…

5 kinds of people to avoid to be an entrepreneur

Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Do you have that brilliant idea in your mind which would definitely convert into a million dollar company? But there is something that is stopping you from pursuing your dream. What is it? It might be the people around you. Yes, the kinds of people you surround yourself with can make a great impact on the probability of you becoming an entrepreneur. Here are 5 kinds of people you should stay miles away from in order to be an entrepreneur. Those who go too much in detail: I had a friend like that. Whenever I used to tell him that I want to do something like “this”, he would come up with a detailed plan of what…

Small Business Ideas 2015: Set up an Online Store

Are you looking for small business ideas but get overwhelmed by the amount of ideas? Your clueless state of mind needs more assistance. You need more information on each of the small business ideas you come across. Only that can help you take a right decision. Therefore we’re going to help you understand the topmost small business ideas in a clearer manner. Today, we are going to talk about setting up an online store. An online store is one where you sell a product but through a website. With the rise of Amazon, Ebay etc customer base …

Interview With Founder of Lawnmower

Three classmates got together to provide a world with another amazing tool that could help them in their day to day life. They wanted to help you in your efforts to save money and hence Lawnmower was launched on April 9. Only within a few days, this startup has managed to create a lot of buzz. And that’s how it caught our attention. So, our team thought of interviewing the founder Alex Sunnarborg and take a …

Online Donations: Make the Process Simple for Donors

A very good friend of ours recently passed away and in lieu of flowers the family asked that donations be made to a local charity which does fund-raising for colon cancer awareness. Being that Lester is my 3rd third friend / colleague to succumb to the disease, I was SO on it. Unfortunately, trying to make a donation on the site was a convoluted and frustrating process, so I gave up the first time. Two days later, only after reading a friend’s comments on Facebook – someone who expressed frustration with the donation process AND added instructions for getting through the rigamarole – was I able to make …

DRAM Class Action Lawsuit – Get Your $20

Canadians will get $20 back (maybe more) as part of $80 million dollar class-action settlement for overpriced electronics. Here’s the Press release: MONTREAL, TORONTO and VANCOUVER, Feb. 23, 2015 /CNW/ – If you bought an electronic device between 1999 and 2002, then you almost certainly paid too much for it. Now Canadians can get their money back simply by filling in a form on No receipt or proof of purchase is required to claim the minimum $20 compensation…

15 Virtual Conference Advantages

Between 2004 and 2010, I attended/spoke at a number of conferences, traveling from my home in semi-rural British Columbia to places such as L.A., Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., New York, Montreal, Miami and Dubai. As much as I love meeting my colleagues and students in person, I found the rigmarole of business travel exhausting. Contributing to the frazzle, is the fact that we spend 4 to 6 of the colder months traveling the southern United States in our RV. By the time we get home in April, I’m not keen to travel much beyond my backyard. Fortunately,  for those who are likewise disenchanted with business travel, virtual …

Spring Cleaning for Your Blog

The birds are singing, the posies are popping and spring rains are making everything look shiny and new. Here are 10 tips to dust off your blog and give it a fresh spring feel. Update Your About Page Have you gained experience or earned new credentials since you set up your blog? Has the objective for your blog changed? Have YOU changed? One of the most frequent complaints that online daters have is that “in person, they looked nothing like their picture” — meaning that the picture showed a younger (and probably skinnier) version…

St. Patrick’s Day Sale at HostGator

Starting today – Monday, March 16th, 2015 at 12am CST, HostGator is running a St. Patrick’s Day Sale, featuring 55{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} off all new hosting packages, plus $8 domains! The St. Patrick’s Day Sale will run for a full 72 hours and end on Wednesday, March 18th at 11:59pm CST. Your Coupon Code is: GOLD NOTE: The offer is only valid on new hosting packages, not applicable on renewals or existing hosting plans. jQuery(document).ready(function(){items_str = “facebook,twitter,google,pinterest,linkedin,stumbleupon,reddit”; items_arr = items_str.split(“,”); ism_load_counts_from_db(items_arr, ‘’, ‘#indeed_sm_wrap_1758’, 1); ism_save_share_counts = 1; }); #indeed_sm_wrap_1758{ top : 20px;left : 20px;}#indeed_sm_wrap_1758 .ism_item{ }#indeed_sm_wrap_1758 .ism_item_wrapper{ display: inline-block;}0000000

280+ Spam Filter Words and Phrases to Avoid

Do you ever wonder how many of the emails you send to your newsletter subscribers get caught up in spam filters and junk mail folders? While checking my Gmail today, I was surprised to see how many marketers’ messages – to which I’d subscribed – were in the spam folder. A quick scan down the list and it was easy to see why Gmail deemed those messages to be junk… they were rife with spam trigger words and phrases. Here’s partial screenshot of what I found. I’ve circled and blurred the names of marketers (and affiliate networks) and placed rectangles around the spammy words and phrases. I particularly like ‘…

Responsive WordPress Themes for 2015

I had a problem on one of my blogs this week that I (wrongly) assumed was due to over-tweaking of its WordPress theme. To fix it, I went in search of a new theme to install on the site. Boy, was I surprised by the number of beautiful themes available, particularly the responsive theme designs and those with parallax scrolling. Parallax scrolling is where background images move slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth in a 2 dimensional scene. Parallax and other long scroll themes are best suited to business and ecommerce sites, i.e. a membership site. …

Former Student Hits it BIG

I feel like a proud mama every time I hear how one of my students has taken what they learned from me (and others) and gone on to become uber successful affiliate marketers. In this case, Jamie is a 38 year old musician — but it’s affiliate marketing that has put bread on his table. Really BIG bread. There’s an Aston Martin in his garage thanks to the 12 million bucks he’s earned as an affiliate marketer — primarily on Clickbank. Yes, that’s for real — he shows his actual tax returns on the net, something he probably learned from me. He’s now decided to teach others what he’s been doing so successfully — because he HATES the fact that ‘…

Get Mobile-Friendly by April 21st or Risk Lowering Your Rankings

In February, Google announced that it would start favoring mobile-friendly sites starting on April 21st. Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. Contrary to some bloggers’ interpretation of Google’s latest algorithm change, your site will NOT be de-listed if it is not mobile friendly. (Oh yes, all sorts of doom and gloom was unleashed, including coining of the fanciful term “Mobilegeddon“, which I quite liked — enough to use on this post’s main graphic. Google’s John Mueller posted the following on Google+ to allay those fears: It’s great to get people motivated to make their website mobile-friendly, but we’re not going to be removing sites…

Why is Responsive Website Design A Big Deal In 2015 and How It Can Boost Your Rankings

Google has been rolling out some really stringent updates like Panda and Penguin. This time Google is back with one more update – Mobile Friendly which basically aims to improve site rankings of the websites which are responsive. The algorithm will affect all the websites which have mobile usabililty issues and hence, it is now imperative for businesses to move to a responsive website. Google has officially announced too that responsive design pattern is their favored pattern as it is easier …

Internet marketing

Free Marketing eBook, Invest In Loyal Audiences, Link Graph Primer, #Speedlink 16:2015

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great and productive week! Free Marketing eBook Brought to you by Brother CreativeCenter, has made available to download, the Innovative Marketing Tips ebook, to help marketers and just about any small business owner help thrive in today’s world of online marketing. The ebook contains many useful and insightful tips, as a result of many responses received from marketers that were asked to share its best tips and advice on how to use visuals in content and marketing. …

SEO of Tomorrowland

We now live in an age where technology and the internet are rapidly being integrated into our daily lives. With the dawn of the “internet of things” and the proliferation of smart watches, tablets, not to mention the ubiquitous smartphone, it seems hard to imagine a time when our devices existed in isolation without the internet capabilities that we have all become accustomed to today. This also means that people are interacting with the web in ways that we have never seen before. While desktop use is still the norm, mobile searches now account for roughly 30{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} of all web traffic, which makes sense considering that there are now more smartphones and mobile devices…

Mobile Friendly FAQs, SEO Value From SERPs, WordPress 4.2 Powell, #Speedlink 17:2015

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great and productive week! So you probably have heard about all the fuzz that has been going on for weeks about the “mobilegeddon” thing. Mobilegeddon is suppose to be the dreaded Google mobile algorithm update. Dreaded becasue it not only impacts your site on mobile search, it may also affect your overall rankings. Well, the wait is over. Google announced that the roll out has started 100{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} and provides in this blog post, a series of answers to questions arising from what could you do and not do in the event that you …

4 Free Ways To Stay Active

Staying active is very important to me and I’m constantly finding new ways to exercise in fun ways, but also free. I work from home, and sometimes staying active can get away from you.Staying active when you are so busy in all other areas in your life is very important. It helps keep you refreshed and motivated.Incorporating different activities in my life is very important because it mixes things up and keeps me excited. I tend …

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How To Not Be A Broke College Student

Being in college doesn’t have to be so difficult to save money. You don’t have to be broke either.Use being a student to your advantage while you can because it can save you a decent amount of money.You can always keep your student ID card and use it after, even if you aren’t currently a student, it will still work!1. Invest in a ISIC card. I just bought one today for $25 and I’ve basically already been paid back when I use it for my Machu Picchu trip. I will save about 30 dollars. This card …

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