

4 Key Strengths of Successful Businesses

Here are principles on which to start and build your company.


Tips to Help You Identify and Nurture Customers

Your consumer base is the backbone of your business. Without them, there is no business.

Make Woodworking Work for You

Are you into woodworking? Have you been thinking about starting a business making and selling furniture? There’s good news. There is a market for it, and there is an opportunity for you with EUREKA Woodworks.With EUREKA Woodworks, you decide how quickly, and how big, you want to grow your business. Full-time? Part-time? Do you want to work from home, or set up shop somewhere else? The choice is yours.EUREKA Woodworks will train, develop and provide you with everything you need to efficiently build and effectively market over 40 different designs using western woods that are…

Euro Area Spreads Near 52-Week Lows

Spreads on the debt of sovereign European countries have been falling like a rock recently, especially in Italy and Spain. Current spreads on the 10-year sovereign debt of Italy are trading at just 247 bps above 10-year German paper. This is the lowest level since the Summer of 2011, and it’s less than half of the peak level that spreads reached in late 2011. Spreads on sovereign debt in Spain are down by a similar amount. After peaking at a level of 633 bps last Summer, spreads are down by nearly 300 bps and near their lowest levels since last Spring. …


How to Use Your Blog to Repair Your Damaged Online Reputation

We all know that it’s important to manage how people perceive us, particularly in the ever-increasingly utilized internet search. Many consumers go straight to the search engines before considering which brand to go with for a particular product purchase.… Click here to continue »

Clay Collins Founder Of Startup Leadbrite, Pioneer Of The Prelaunch, And Serial Entrepreneur Shares His Story

Tweet[powerpress] Download the Text Transcript in PDF (coming soon) Subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes Clay Collins is the founder of Leadbrite, the company behind LeadPages and LeadPlayer, two tools that are fast becoming the go-to-standards when it comes to collecting leads online with video and landing pages. This interview is epic in terms of how many things Clay talks about. He was a home schooled child, a founder of a software company at 15, a college grad and PhD student with published papers, became a social media expert in particular with Digg during its heyday, a niche marketer…

5 Daily Habits for Effective Social Media Marketing

Of all the things your business could be doing on social media, these are the things you should focus on.

Bryan Silverman on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Starting Up in College (Video)

As the College Entrepreneur of 2012, the co-founder of Star Toilet Paper discusses his top startup challenges and ways he’s helped overcome them.

RFID in the Sheets

USA Today: The plush robe in your hotel room now comes with an electronic leash. To keep robes and towels from checking out, a small but growing number of hotels are starting to use new radio frequency chips to keep track of their inventory. The RFID technology — which stands for radio frequency identification and requires an installed chip that can be read by an electronic reader — has been used by various industries for several years to organize product storage and tally shipments. With cotton prices rising and fewer employees in housekeeping, hotels are using the tech to monitor the whereabouts of bathrobes, bed sheets, duvet covers, bathmats, pool towels and banquet linens.