Converting techniques

Mass Personalization: An Introduction & 3 Ways to Implement It

Once upon a time leads were thrilled by emails in their inboxes. And emails with their “first name” to add the icing to the cake. That was the rudimentary beginning of personalization. A ploy to get prospects to feel more…

Site Speed as a Ranking Factor in 2019: A Quick Guide

As users, we care a lot about speed. In 2006, we expected a website to load in under four seconds (as Forrester found). In 2009, we said two seconds were enough. But today, even two seconds feel like a “long…

Anatomy of an Effective Error Page

The Internet is no different than anything else in life. Mistakes will always happen. Whether it’s because you forgot to change an old link or something has failed, at some point of time one of your prospective customers is going…

How to Gather Qualitative Data for Conversion Rate Optimization

Qualitative research is one of the most underutilised ways for companies to improve their conversion rates. It’s a powerful research technique to gain huge insights into what website visitors actually want. As well as what they are expecting and anything…

Justin Gary — Taking the Path Less Traveled, The Phenomenon of “Magic: The Gathering,” How Analytical People Can Become “Creative” People, Finding the Third Right Answer, and How to Escape Your Need for Control (#687)

Illustration via 99designs “It can be way worse to win the wrong game than to lose one that you actually enjoy playing.” — Justin Gary Justin Gary (@Justin_Gary) is an award-winning designer, author, speaker, and entrepreneur. He is CEO of Stone Blade…

EU Regulation for Handling Non-Personal Data: Impact on Your

You might not use personal data in your business but did you know that you need to follow specific rules even for non-personal data? And what about mixed data that contains both personal and non-personal information? The new Regulation (EU)…

4 Best Practices for a Site Search Experience that Converts

Unless you are an Ecommerce brand, chances are you do not take search bars that seriously. But you should and there are three important reasons for it. The Natural Urge to Search – Think about the last time you went…

Can You Use Brand Logos on Your Site without Express Consent? Find Out Here.

Brand logos are everywhere. They are on our clothes, in commercials, and even plastered on the sides of buses.  As consumers, we’re bombarded with branding every day of our lives. But what happens when marketers use those same brand logos…

A Quick Look at How CRO Specialists Build Hypothesis

What is a Hypothesis? A proposed solution to a problem, whose validity requires evaluation. Why is a Hypothesis Critical to Your Optimization Program? The innate desire for improvement is what drives an optimization program, but testing just for the sake…

7 Experts To Follow for ABM Success

Businesses are waking up to the fact that B2B marketing is broken! It looks at customers as faceless organizations It discounts the fact that people are at the heart of purchase decisions in B2B scenarios – and multiple people at…

B2B Mass Personalization – How to Get it Right for Businesses

B2C personalization is everywhere. And to be frank, it is supposedly easier to implement than its B2B counterpart. So what is the best practice or approach to B2B Marketing personalization at scale? That is what we are going to explore…

Dustin Moskovitz, Co-Founder of Asana and Facebook — Energy Management, Coaching for Endurance, No Meeting Wednesdays, Understanding the Real Risks of AI, Embracing Frictionless Work with AI, The Value of Holding Stories Loosely, and More (#686)

Illustration via 99designs “Imagine [AI as] the world’s greatest project manager that’s integrated into every team, and it knows all the best practices from everything, and it knows the context of the specific project you’re working on. And that means…

Don’t Miss This Onboarding Optimization Opportunity

Let’s start out by asking you a question. Say you are in an exciting new relationship. What kind of partner would you prefer. Someone who is taciturn and offers no information about herself? Or someone who makes you feel welcome…

SEO Pitfalls That Can Devastate Your Website Conversion Rates

SEO is a complex, fast-evolving ecosystem. As such, it breathes ground for many popular SEO myths. As you’re reading and listening about them every day, it may be difficult for you to tell facts from guesswork. Consequently, you may waste…

What to Do (& What Not to Do)

Since the Cambridge Analytica Scandal, Facebook has been in a state of free fall. In a bid to win back the trust of their audience, they decided to revamp their newsfeed as well. This, in turn, reduced the organic reach…

5 Effective Ways to Grab More Leads with Every Article You Publish

Creating niche content is not an easy task but creating performance-oriented (specifically lead-generating) content is even harder. It’s hard enough to write unique articles that aim at appealing your target audience. But what about creating content that prompts your target…

Dr. Shirley Sahrmann — A Legendary PT Does a Deep Dive on Tim’s Low-Back Issues, Teaches How to Unlearn Painful Patterns, Talks About Movement as Medicine (or Poison), and More (#685)

Illustration via 99designs “Usually the problem is that motion that’s problematic is occurring during all of your activities. The body follows the rules of physics. It takes the path of least resistance. So if it’s easy to move there, it…

What Do Customers Want? More Personalization or Better Data Privacy.

If you’re involved in the world of marketing and/or product development, you’ve probably heard about this new thing called “the privacy paradox.” Essentially, it encapsulates the concept that there’s a discrepancy between consumer attitudes and their actual behavior when it…

Split Testing for Your Business? Avoid these 6 Fatal Mistakes

In 2011 Google executed more than 7,000 split tests on their algorithm! Yes, you read that right. The brand that has become a verb fully endorses data backed decision making over gut instinct. While this may seem like a no-brainer…

Boost B2B Marketing Results: Top Practices That Work

The B2B marketing arena has changed dramatically over the past few years with digitalization taking the B2B journey online and empowering buyers to self-educate without relying on data provided by brands! This drastic shift has increasingly put pressure on B2B…

What it Means for Convert Users

In a blog post on Monday 23rd, WebKit security and privacy engineer John Wilander explained that the primary motivation behind Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) version 2.3 is to combat what WebKit considers to be the “continued abuse” of link decoration,…

Convert’s Ask an Expert with Joris Bryon

August saw Convert team up with quirky optimization expert Joris Bryon for a giveaway of his book “Kill Your Conversion Killers with The Dexter Method™” If you are one of the lucky 10 people who got a free physical copy…

6 Steps to Get Your Business Privacy Compliant

The GDPR is done. And it impacted only the businesses operating in the EU anyway. Right? Not really. Privacy is never “done”. Compliance is an ever-present requirement and businesses should constantly monitor their touchpoints, their data collection practices, their data…

Jack Kornfield — How to Reduce Anxiety and Polish the Lens of Consciousness (#684)

Illustration via 99designs “Can you be in this world and can you love it with all its imperfections? And can you bring that spirit of care and love in the middle of what’s tragic and what’s beautiful? That’s a liberated…