Converting techniques

Unlock growth potential with Totango revenue intelligence integrations

Totango now offers integrations with leading revenue intelligence platforms Gong and Chorus to help teams enhance operational efficiency and leverage the insights gleaned from customer interactions to drive strategic decision-making. In the world of customer success (CS), every customer interaction…

No Biological Free Lunches – The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.”— John Muir “The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very, very brightly,…

7 Killer Ways to Optimize Your Landing Page for Lower PPC Costs

To run scalable PPC campaigns, you need to bring down the cost-per-acquisition (CPA) metric on your PPC leads. Optimizing your PPC landing pages is one of the surest ways to do this. Doing so gives you a substantial increase in…

The forefront of the next generation of customer success

This year, the customer success (CS) industry faces a critical choice — either assume the role of strategic growth driver by adopting revenue goals for the business, providing greater accountability to customers, and forming tighter cross-functional alignment with partners—or stick…

Why You Should Seek More Awe in the New Year

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash Every time I’ve done a past-year review (PYR), a pattern emerges: peak positive emotional experiences are correlated to awe at least 70% of the time. For at least the past 3–5 years, this has…

5 Things Every CEO Should Know about Cybersecurity

Although it’s in the job description of every CEO to know pretty much everything about the company they are running, the truth is that most tend to focus on the business aspect of things. Which is understandable, because their companies…

2023 recap and what’s to come in 2024

As we kick off 2024, it’s time to reflect on the past year and look forward to what the future holds for customer success. It’s been an exciting journey, marked by significant milestones and a ceaseless effort to support our…

Chris Beresford-Hill — A Master Ad Man on Superbowl Confessions, How to Come Up With Great Ideas, Cold Emailing Mark Cuban, Doing Naughty Things, Poetic Mind Control, Creative Process and Insider Tips, How to Negotiate with Bosses and Clients, and The Power of a Stolen Snickers (#715)

Illustration via 99designs “The best ideas are when you’re like, ‘We can never do this. We’re going to get in big trouble. This is so wrong.’ When you feel that, you’ve got to stay there. You absolutely have to. That’s…

Key Points at a Glance

The ePrivacy Regulation will replace the ePrivacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002, which was implemented in the UK in 2003. The fact that it is a regulation means it will be a legal act and will be immediately enforceable in…

3 ways to use a ‘listen-and-learn’ approach to drive alignment and growth

Our leadership team embraces a culture of ‘listen and learn,’ redefining how we share and act on customer insights. We’re more inclined to work proactively together versus being reactive and defensive. Madhavi Bezwada, VP of Client Success at Waystar. What…

The New Frontiers of Mental Health — Dr. Nolan Williams on Brain Stimulation, Ibogaine, Rapid-Acting Tools for Depression, Enhancing Sports Performance, and More (#714)

Illustration via 99designs “What’s so hard about this scientifically, and to get the scientific community fully on board with these ideas, is that we’re likely going to figure out this works before we have any idea on how it works.”…

An Opportunity for Tech Companies to Innovate

The General Data Protection Regulation is closely associated with the EU legislation which protects the privacy of communication in the electronic form or e-privacy. A research conducted by the European Data Protection Board discovered that GDPR and e-privacy have common…

Totango recognized as CS leader in G2 Winter 2024 reports

We are delighted to share that Totango was recognized in the G2 Winter 2024 reports for its exemplary performance in the customer success software category. These awards reflect superior engagement and commitment from our users, who continue to highlight and…

Live from South Korea — Steve Jang on Korea’s Exploding “Soft Power,” The Poverty-to-Power Playbook, K-Pop, “Han” Energy, Must-See Movies, Export Economies, and Much More (#707)

Illustration via 99designs “For Koreans, ‘han’ can be a drive to do great things, to bond together, to understand each other, to empathize. But it can also just be anger and K-rage which, channeled correctly, allows you to build an…

Will It Impact Convert Experiences?

Microsoft has introduced a new feature on 27th of June 2019 to block tracking scripts in its Chromium-based Edge browser. The company is calling this feature “Tracking Prevention” and is currently available in only in Edge Insiders Preview Builds (starting…

Harmonizing sales and CS to drive revenue growth and deliver value

We know that sales and customer success (CS) teams must work together to drive revenue growth and expansion. How teams accomplish this challenging dance, however, is an ongoing question.  Totango’s SVP of Customer Success Chris Dishman recently sat down with…

Dr. Willoughby Britton — The Hidden Risks of Meditation, Overlaps with Psychedelic Risks, Harm Reduction Strategies, How to Choose a Retreat, Near-Death Experiences, and More (#705)

Illustration via 99designs “If you can interface with any type of meditation spiritual system with maintaining your inner compass, that’s going to be a recipe for a much better outcome.” — Willoughby Britton, PhD Willoughby Britton, PhD, is a clinical psychologist,…

What You Need to Know about the Latest Bill

Since the passing of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), several states are following in California’s footsteps and adopting privacy bills that would allow consumers to object to the sale of their personal information. On June 6, 2019, the Maine…

The ePrivacy Regulation & its Impact: What Has Already Changed?

In 2017, the first draft of the ePrivacy Regulation was created by the European Commission as a part of an effort to replace the now outdated ePrivacy Directive (2002). Although it has not yet been put in place, the ePrivacy…

[INFOGRAPHIC] 11 Steps to GDPR Compliance (Plus Convert’s Story)

I was not around when the GDPR frenzy peaked. But I have heard stories – hilarious and stressful – of the scramble to put together re-permissioning drives which would not make our customers tear their hair out, and the long…

The Brothers Who Live One Life — The Incredible Adventures of David and Daniil Liberman (#689)

Illustration via 99designs “It’s not failure. It’s an attempt. 60 percent, 70 percent of those attempts are going to end up with zero, so just move on. Start the next one. You’ll be successful later.” David Liberman and Daniil Liberman…

How to Be More Human & Increase Site Conversions

Here is the truth about conversion rates: It’s hard to keep leads interested throughout the whole funnel. Leads drop out of the different stages of your funnel because they get bored, don’t understand what you are doing, or don’t see…

ePrivacy Regulation & Google Analytics: Do You Need Consent?

Google Analytics is a staple for most optimizers and marketers. The ubiquity of this solution makes it innocuous to the point where we tend to overlook the settings of our Google Analytics account when privacy regulations roll out. But the…

How AI Makes Connections More Human

We all enjoy feeling special and appreciated – whether it is in our relationships and friendships, at our place of work, or when we are interacting with a business. This is the reason why brand personalization is such an important…