Converting techniques

3 Effective Steps You Should Use

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase your on-site conversions. Content is able to provide 3 times more leads than a PPC campaign, but more importantly, it’s more effective in the long run: Content is your permanent brand…

From Product-Led Growth to Enterprise Sales

“In a PLG motion… you’re helping people to use the product more effectively, and ultimately, to upgrade to a paid experience. [In] the enterprise sale, you start by signing on the dotted line, so different expectations and skills are needed.”…

Matthew McConaughey and Aisha Tyler (#757)

This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the…

5 Ways SaaS Companies Use Quizzes to Engage Their Audience

Engaging your audience is the key to building a base of returning and loyal customers. There are many ways to increase audience engagement, but have you ever thought about quizzes? Quizzes are interactive and provide an excellent way to learn…

How Sales and CS Alignment Unlocks Revenue Growth

“Success is revenue. You get success right; your revenue is coming.” – Charlie Sonnenberg, VP Sales, Totango + Catalyst   Customer-led growth is the only way to protect and sustain revenue growth. Bold statement? Perhaps, but industry data backs up…

Jamie Foxx and Jacqueline Novogratz (#758)

This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the…

Customer Session Recordings for Better Revenue & Conversions

Poor conversion rate optimization is making random guesses. Good conversion rate optimization is all about informed guesses. Robust tools like FullStory put the “inform” in informed guesses. FullStory helps companies record and analyze customer communications by recording user sessions in…

Totango + Catalyst customer success experts reveal top takeaways from TSIA World INTERACT 2024

“AI may not replace me, but AI will definitely change the way I work.” This bold statement, shared during a keynote at the recent Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) World INTERACT conference in Orlando, set the stage for a series…

Michael Lewis and Martine Rothblatt (#749)

This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the…

[VIDEO] 95% Statistical Significance

We all want to hit the mythical 95% statistical significance number. It’s a guideline that has morphed into a hard, non-negotiable requirement for most testers. While opinions abound and the debate is still raging, we are not concerned with busting…

AI & CS: Innovate or stagnate

Some believe AI is overhyped. Others think we are already in the midst of transformation. The reality is that most of us sit in the middle. A recent poll taken during the Higher Logic Super Forum SPARK conference in April…

Pavel Tsatsouline and Christopher Sommer (#748)

This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the…

Qualitative Data vs. Quantitative Data: A Marketers’ Guide

Qualitative data and quantitative data are two different kettle of fish. Period. But when we are asked to explain the “what” and the “why”, it gets a little bit more complicated. When should I go for quantitative questions when framing…

Action-Focused Hot Takes from CS and Sales Leaders

Drive customer-led growth and retention by giving your Sales and CS functions a shared vision Selling ≠ delivering long-term value. Lasting relationships are the lifeblood of great Customer Success and, really, of great companies. It’s easy to spot organizations that…

Martha Beck — The Amazing and Brutal Results of Zero Lies for 365 Days, How to Do a Beginner “Integrity Cleanse,” Lessons from Lion Trackers, and Novel Tactics for Reducing Anxiety (#732)

Illustration via 99designs “It’s never true to hate yourself or to condemn yourself.” — Martha Beck Dr. Martha Beck (@themarthabeck) has been called “the best-known life coach in America” by NPR and USA Today. She holds three Harvard degrees in…

Customer Conversion Improvement on Your Mind? Avoid These Mistakes

Marketers spend plenty of time fretting over what sometimes seems like a lofty lead generation goal. But luckily (for the leads and the sales organization), marketers are also still thinking about what happens to those leads once they enter the…

What is Changing and What Should You Do

The A/B testing landscape changes fast. Everything — right from what goes into the testing mix to the process of testing and the technology powering it — has a tendency to evolve rapidly. You’d recall how just a few years…

Keep This in Mind When Creating a CRO Gameplan

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a lot more than a buzzword. Done right, done patiently, it actually brings results. But what is the “right” way of going about testing and experimentation. In this video Justin Christianson, co-founder and president of…

How to Revamp Your Content Marketing Strategy &(Finally) Make it Work

Content marketing, if done right, is capable of producing dramatic results for your business. That’s why a staggering 91% of companies and marketers have reported that they rely on content marketing strategies. It’s critical to the success of your business…

The Step-by-Step Process to Get Started (& Why You Must)

“Hey there  👋 I’m a Bottybot! How can I help you?” I don’t know which websites you’re going to visit today … but you’ll end up visiting at least one where you’ll hear a *Pop* sound and a bot will…

Dr. David Spiegel, Stanford U. — Practical Hypnosis, Meditation vs. Hypnosis, Pain Management Without Drugs, The Neurobiology of Trance, and More (#731)

Illustration via 99designs “One of the things I love about working with hypnosis is people are surprised at what they can do because they’re trying out being different and seeing what it feels like.” — Dr. David Spiegel Dr. David…

Can AI Instagram Entities Improve Your PPC Ad CTR? Find Out.

In 2018, the Instagram and social media worlds experienced a novel trend with the rise of several AI models such as Shudu and Lil Miquela. Those in the e-commerce field have long known that AI can help businesses optimize their…

CS & Sales synergize to unleash predictable growth

Is 2024 the year of customer success or sales? Our CS and sales experts say, “Neither.”   Chris Dishman, SVP of Customer Success for Totango & Catalyst, hosted a roundtable discussion with industry leaders, including Rashmi Chari, Head of Global Customer…

How to Identify Broken Elements on Your Site

The topic of Conversion Rate Optimization is usually focused on performance data and design. Rarely does an agency invest more resources in the technology as they do in design and marketing, as landing pages and forms utilize web technologies that…