Converting techniques

Your Social Media Campaigns Should Never Skip This One Step [PODCAST]

Are you putting your social media campaigns to the test? Image by timlewisnm via Flickr. On the surface, running a social media campaign seems relatively straightforward. Write your copy, create your assets, set up tracking and then queue it all up in your social media scheduling tool. Simple enough, right? But if you want to run social media campaigns that actually move the needle for your business and bring you measurable results, then there’s one important step you should never skip: A/B testing your campaigns. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we speak with Marcus Taylor, founder and CEO of Venture Harbour, about why (and how) you should be testing your social media campaigns. In this episode you’ll learn……

Show Off Your Copywriting Skills and Win a Ticket to CTA Conference

We’re looking for the most awesome copywriter ever. And we’re really hoping that it’s you. If it is, you’ll soon be on your way to the Call to Action Conference, our three-day mega-event in Vancouver featuring talks from — and parties with — the world’s top conversion experts. Your mission, should you choose to accept it In our Conversion Copywriting Contest, you’ll be tasked with writing about the world’s most adorable robot vacuum cleaner that also lays down the sickest beats: DJ Rumba. Your mission is to write compelling landing page copy that will persuade visitors to sign up to a mailing list in order to to hear more about DJ Rumba…

Why No One is Reading Your Emails on Mobile

Optimize your emails and help Keanu turn that frown upside down! Did you know that almost 66{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} of all emails are now opened on a mobile device? A statistic all marketers should be aware of, no doubt, but what should really grab your attention is that 75{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} of people who receive email that isn’t optimized for mobile will just delete it. If you’re a marketer who is sending emails that haven’t been optimized for mobile, you’re missing out on so much of…

I’m Pretty Sure Your Mobile Marketing Strategy Isn’t Good Enough

It’s a mobile mobile. Get it? Image by James Theophane via Flickr. We’ve all read a metric ton of marketing articles telling us that “A mobile marketing strategy is a must.” If it feels like you’ve been hearing that forever, it’s because people have actually been spewing that advice for nearly a decade. That type of article started cropping up way back in 2008, according to Google Trends: Several years later, you’ve likely (hopefully) got a mobile strategy in place; your landing pages are mobile responsive and …

Retargeting, As Explained by Nerf Guns [PODCAST]

Here’s how to get better at retargeting, as explained by Nerf Guns. Image by Jake Sutton via Flickr. Sometimes, your landing page visitors aren’t quite ready to convert. At least not yet. And that’s all right. There isn’t much you can do to convince people who simply need more time, but there is a lot you can do to remind them that you exist and gently nudge them toward conversion. Which is where retargeting comes in. In this episode, we talk to Johnathan Dane…

How to Recognize Great Conversion Optimization People

While mediocre people are dime a dozen, good people are always in demand. But good optimizers are in very high demand, everyone and their mother is trying to hire one. Alas they can be hard to find.  If you’re looking to hire one, what should you look for? What makes an optimizer a great optimizer? There are many universal traits that make anyone a “good hire” – like being proactive, hard working and so on – but what’s unique …

Stopping A/B Tests: How Many Conversions Do I Need?

A/B testing is great, and very easy to do these days. Tools are getting better and better. As a result, people rely more and more on the tools. As a result, critical thinking is much less common. It’s not fair to just blame the tools of course. It’s very human to try to (over)simplify everything. Now the internet is flooded with A/B testing posts and case studies full of bullshit data, imaginary wins. Be wary …

5 Insights from Every Speaker of ConversionXL Live 2015

I’ve been to a lot of conferences. A lot. Most of them are mediocre. I made it my personal goal to deliver an amazing conference. I took inspiration from the good things I’ve seen at other conferences, made sure I avoided the bad things – and so ConversionXL Live 2015 was born. We had 245 attendees from 23 countries. The crowd was very diverse, very high level (~75{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} of attendees were CRO professionals). So we needed high level content to match the audience + deliver a kickass experience. So how did it go? Here’s what Andre Morys, CEO of Web Arts thought: Honestly: #cxllive is the best conference I’ve attended – ever – thank you to @peeplaja for everything…

Lies Your Designer Told You (or Data vs Design)

Designers versus data more than ever deserves its place in the pantheon of great conflicts: the Hatfields vs. McCoys, Android vs. iOS, Social Media Marketing vs. Results, Athens vs. Sparta, the Doctor vs. Daleks, Auburn vs. Alabama, and Fox News vs. reality. We make this out to be some great collision of disciplines when in fact they are not opposites and they can and should work together. To do so requires the dropping of a lot of false constraints that we place them in. Its all the lies that we tell others and especially the ones we tell ourselves that…

10 Best Practices for Better B2B Website Experience

Best practices are starting points: if you have no data, start with these. They are not what you should end up with, but it’s where you start (the optimization). That’s an important distinction. Here are some ideas about of how you can apply 10 Jakob Nielsen Usability Heuristics to lead generation websites in the B2B or high consideration B2C realm, where there isn’t necessarily any transactional functionality, e.g. e-commerce, user registrations, etc. Usability …

Lies Your Optimization Guru Told You

Before you get out your pitchforks, I want to stress that this article does not represent Peep’s views. The easiest lies to believe are the ones we want to be true, and nothing speaks to us more than validation of the work we are doing or what we already believe.  Due to this we become naturally defensive when someone challenges that world view. The “truth” is that there is no single state of truth and that all actions, disciplines, and behaviors can and should be evaluated for growth opportunities.  It doesn’t matter if we are designers, optimizers, product managers, marketers, executives, or engineers, we all come from …

An Irresistible Offer: 4 Tips to Personalize Your Sales Funnel

What is an irresistible offer? Simply put … an irresistible offer is one that your audience cannot help but respond to. It’s compelling, it’s powerful and it drives action. So, how do you craft an irresistible offer? The answer comes down to personalization: presenting information that applies directly to each customer in a one-on-one, emotionally charged, and above all customized manner. To do this, I’ve put together an in-depth look at 4 “adaptive” (i.e., sometimes called “smart content”) features along with some helpful SaaSs to automate the process that you can start adding to your sales funnel today: Segmented and Personalized Emails Dynamic Images and Pricing Optimized CTAs Targeted Onsite Coupons and Incentives 1. Segmented and Personalized Emails Talk of the “death…

Optimizing Investing, Blood, Hormones, and Life (Podcast Double-Header: #63 and #65)

Discussing life and investing with Mark Hart and Raoul Pal. [DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the Internet. Speak with a medical professional before doing anything medical-related, m’kay?] There is something here for everyone. This post details two jam-packed discussions  — one with world-renowned macro investors and investment strategists (Mark Hart and Raoul Pal), and another with a top performance doc you’ve referenced hundreds of times (Peter Attia, MD). In both, we address dozens of topics, including: – How do you choose an optimal investment style? – …

The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide – Risks, Micro-Dosing, Ibogaine, and More

I’m not high in this picture, despite my appearance. DISCLAIMER: DO NOT USE ANY DRUGS OR SUBSTANCES WITHOUT CONSULTING A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. JAMES FADIMAN, Ph.D., did his undergraduate work at Harvard and his graduate work at Stanford, doing research with the Harvard Group, the West Coast Research Group in Menlo Park, and Ken Kesey. He is the author of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide. Called “America’s wisest and most respected authority on psychedelics and their use,” Jim Fadiman has been involved with psychedelic research since the 1960s. In this episode, we discuss the immediate…

Amanda Palmer on How to Fight, Meditate, and Make Good Art

“Work with the man when the man can help you make your art…” – Amanda Palmer “When in doubt, remember: At the end of the day, you get to do whatever the fuck you want.” – Amanda Palmer My guest this episode is Amanda Palmer, who first came to prominence as one half of the internationally acclaimed punk cabaret duo The Dresden Dolls. Many of you have no doubt seen her surprise …

Lazy: A Manifesto

“Tim Kreider’s writing is heartbreaking, brutal and hilarious—usually at the same time. He can do in a few pages what I need several hours of screen time and tens of millions to accomplish. And he does it better. Come to think of it, I’d rather not do a blurb. I am beginning to feel bad about myself.” – Judd Apatow This post might change your life. It contains a short audio…

Inside the Mind of Glenn Beck, You Find…Walt Disney and Orson Welles?

“When I turned 30, I knew my life was at a crossroads. It was either over, or I was going to restart.” – Glenn Beck [9:10] The goal of my blog and podcast is to push you outside of your comfort zone and force you to question assumptions. This is why I invite divergent thinkers and world-class performers who often disagree. I might interview Tony Robbins and then Matt Mullenweg. Or I might have a long chat with …

Hit Filmmaker Jon Favreau’s Techniques and Routines

“The laughter doesn’t last if there is no story. Story is king. You think it’s about the laughs, but, really, it’s about investing in the story and being drawn in.” – Jon Favreau [58:55] Jon Favreau is a man of many talents. He burst onto the acting scene with his role in Rudy. He established himself as a writer with the iconic cult hit Swingers, in which he starred. Then, Favreau made his …

How to Earn Your Freedom…And A Motorcycle Ride Across China?

This post shares two short essays that have had a profound impact on my life. They explore “lifestyle,” world travel, practical philosophies, and much more. Disclaimer: These might make you quit your job… even if you’re the boss. I’m not kidding, as I’ve seen it happen. If it comes to pass, you’ll thank me later. To see the movies I rave about in this episode, click here. For the two free protein bars I mention, click here. Here’…

Triple H on Pre-Fight Rituals, Injury Avoidance, and Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

“His way of telling you that you did something wrong was hitting you in the head with a phone book in a shopping bag.” – Triple H (Paul Levesque) on learning from Killer Kowalski [10:05] “Why would I be wound up? I’m either ready, or I’m not. Worrying about it right now ain’t gonna change a damn thing.”  – Floyd Mayweather, Jr. just before a fight, as recalled by Paul Levesque [34:20] Paul Levesque, more popularly known as Triple H (@TripleH), is a 13-time World Heavyweight Champion in World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE). Not only that, …

How to Defy Gravity on Earth (And Win $2,000+ Worth of Prizes)

Unless you’ve been to outer space, the next few minutes are worth your time. Below are the details of The Zero-G Giveaway. My goal is simple: I want to you to have one of the coolest experiences on the planet. Namely, floating like an astronaut, experiencing weightlessness, and grinning ear-to-ear for a week afterward. I’m not selling anything and no purchase necessary. Just thought it’d be cool, and I have some big news coming next week, so this is a warm-up. I’m limbering up my Internet joints for action. All that said, you have less than 48 hours, so please keep…

Is Your Brand Naked?

Nowadays, everything is in the hands of the customer. Internet marketing has given them the power to control what they want, how they want it, and when they want to have it. In fact, companies have never really been in control of their brands; their customers have always had control. They are the ones who control the advertising

Design your A/B Tests to get consistently better results

Conversion Optimization using A/B testing has become standard practice at virtually every high-traffic online business today. But, not every company is achieving the best results. Most are far from reaching the 8-times ROI that the average WiderFunnel client experiences.So, why do some companies get great A/B test results while others end up disappointed?If your results are disappointing, it may not only be what you are testing – it is definitely how you are testing.  While there are several factors for success, one of the most important to consider is Design of Experiments (DOE). DOE is rooted within statistical theory and defines how experiments …

Building Out a Comprehensive Health Score

Part of the Customer Success Summit On-Demand Series Defining your customer health is one of the first activities that every Customer Success organization must do, but it is also one that is never really complete. Every time a customer churns or renews it can provide you with new data points that can help you refine your health score, but only if you’re listening. Determining the right data for your customer health score and implementing the right technology to collect it is paramount to being successful. Sam Smith, Director of Customer Success at BrightTALK, teamed up with Matt Eastling, Solution Architect at Totango, to talk about how BrightTALK has built out a comprehensive…