Converting techniques

[Webinar] Secret Influencer

If you’re reading this is because you took action before we reveal the details of our Secret Influencer and the excellent topic that will be presented to our community from Convert Academy. Stay tuned and you’ll receive more details in a couple of days. Go To Webinar Registration All what you want to know will

[Webinar] How Segmenation & Targeting Propel Conversions

While getting traffic to your site is GREAT–that is only half the battle. Getting visitors to convert on your page is a difficult and almost inscrutable process. Some sites try to get on top of the conversion game by breaking down visitors into easy-to-digest categories, thereby making it easier to drive visitors down the sales

Help Visitors Convert With Each Step Of Your Conversion Path

Conversion is a marketing term that refers to the technique turning a website’s casual traffic or casual visitors into paying customers. It is one of the most important marketing techniques in online marketing. Motivating customers to convert has always been difficult. Every customer has a different need and a different perspective. However, knowing what they are thinking can

[Webinar] Copy, Conversions & Your Customers Comfort Zone

You can examine your sales funnel and buying cycle matrix all you like, but in the age of new media, the prospect controls his or her path. If your prospective customer isn’t 100{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} comfortable, you can forget about conversion. Go To Webinar Registration Barry Feldman, founder of Feldman Creative, is a prolific writer with 25

[Infographic] Inbound Marketing Funnel

The people over at Smart Insights has given us this great infographic on the Inbound Marketing Funnel. Inbound Marketing is marketing that is done to draw customers into your website, rather then setting out to attract their attention. The inbound marketing funnel is a model that illustrates what the customers usually go through from the

Website Redesign Horror Stories Revisited

Last year, in the spirit of Halloween, WiderFunnel produced our first “blackpaper”, Website Redesign Horror Stories: The Top 9 Nightmares to Vanquish!The blackpaper details the top 9 nightmare scenarios of website redesign projects and how you can avoid them.It was one of the most popular pieces of content we produced in the last 12 months. Based on popular demand, and spooky holiday spirit, we are reposting the free blackpaper for download.Please let us know your own website redesign horror story.  Add a comment!Here’s the super scary accompanying infographic.Hi-res PDF version of the infographicThe full PDF

The Most Effective Website Redesign Strategy

I have an exciting case study to share about the Evolutionary Site Redesign (ESR) strategy!We’ve shown it to be the better website redesign strategy for several companies, from mid-sized for Fortune 500, and the stories are exciting. We’ve literally seen Fortune 500 clients of ours scrap their redesign projects mid-stream in favour of switching to an ESR approach. For real.But first, let’s take a step back: what is ESR and how is it the most effective website redesign strategy? It’s no secret that…

Why Retailers Should Stop Copying is a popular reference in the e-commerce industry, and for a good reason. Amazon tests every change on its site and never settles for anything less than high converting design and UX.I love Amazon for driving awareness and curiosity around A/B testing. However, I’m sometimes frustrated when Amazon lures my clients into thinking that everything it does should be implemented on their own website.A few days ago, a client of WiderFunnel’s wanted to increase the size of the cart in their header. Why? Because Amazon does it.It might be a valid hypothesis. If …

The Top 7 Conversion Optimization Trends for 2015

What will be the most important changes in your business next year?Have you thought about it?At the end of each year the WiderFunnel team, including the other blog contributors, and I like to reflect on the previous year, gain insights from the successes and failures, and anticipate what may happen in the next 52 weeks.Fortunately, I can report that last year was great at WiderFunnel. We brought on a record number of new clients, ran more tests per client and, most importantly, produced the highest conversion rate lifts, ROI and revenue for our clients.With Conversion Optimization now embedded as a must-do…

Anxiety Attacks! (Or, how to stop worrying and love the Privacy Statement)

Trust is everything in a relationship.That motto is repeated in countless self-help books, couples therapy workshops, and by pretty much everyone named Dr. “Something” on TV. Trust can be established or broken in many ways, and working on regaining trust can be a long process in inter-personal relationships.  Unfortunately, when it comes to interaction with websites, visitors rarely give them a second chance at repairing trust. If you blow it once, that’s it, bye-bye, do not pass go, do not collect $200.So, how do we evaluate trust in a website we’re visiting? At what point does a…

Checkout Funnel: Is the Shortest Path Always Best?

Not optimizing your checkout funnel could be costing you millions.I’ve helped a lot of companies optimize their e-commerce websites and mobile apps checkout funnels. My clients often have questions like:How many pages, steps, or even minutes, does a user take to get from decision to purchase?What are best practices to increase conversions and revenue?Should the number of steps be reduced? Simplified? Consolidated?Checkout funnels can seem complicated. The truth is, when you break it down, the checkout funnel is simply the series of steps (pages or clicks) a user takes to get from a landing page to the ‘Thank You’ page. The checkout is the last step in the conversion …

The Totango Mobile App is a Winner!

When we released our Totango mobile app back in March we knew it was going to be big, so we’re very excited that the industry sees it that way too! Today, SIIA announced the winners for the NextGen Awards in Mobile and Totango won the award for Most Disruptive. The NextGen Awards are presented to innovative companies from each sector within the technology arena defined by the SIIA. The accept submissions from all sorts of technologies and then companies are given the chance to validate their place in the market, gain access to industry leaders and receive expert advice along the…

Super Users and the Membership Economy

Part of the Customer Success Summit On-Demand Series What is a Super User? That customer that know your product well, they use it often and they share that drive and passion with other people. With today’s  subscription businesses these users are more important than ever for driving your product forward because not only do they bring you more users, they also provide valuable insights and feedback into your product that can help you improve. In her session at the Customer Success Summit, Robbie Baxter, Author of The Membership Economy, walks through how to identify these users, why they are so important to your business and how you can cultivate even more of them. Three defining characteristics of a super user: They know and love…

Customer Success the Next Generation: What is the Final Frontier?

Part of the Customer Success Summit On-Demand Series Over the past 5 years, Customer Success has become a recognized philosophy in almost all SaaS and subscription businesses today. Now that we’ve moved from infancy towards maturity, how will the industry continue to evolve? Will the customer success function grow or will it be absorbed into other parts of the organization? At the Customer Success Summit in San Francisco we gathered together four CEOs from different SaaS organizations to…

Customer Success: Play to Win

Part of the Customer Success Summit On-Demand Series Customer Success is taking off and has grown beyond being just a function within many organizations. For the last couple of years the industry has gone through several phases of understanding. First looking at why we need customer success, then to what is customer success and finally now to how do we go about implementing best in class customer success. In this new phase where we talk about how to implement best in class Customer Success, what we really must ask ourselves is what are we trying to accomplish? What is the end game that we are striving for? In a recent study, what was found is that for …

The Art and Science of Customer Experience, Growth and Segmentation

Part of the Customer Success Summit On-Demand Series One of the biggest challenges Customer Success organizations face as they grow is how to manage all their customers.  A growing customer base presents several challenges, especially if you have a wide range of customer size, scope and revenue. One common strategy is to divide that customer base into distinct segments, each with its own profile of needs, activities and metrics.  In his session at Customer Success Summit Joel Knight, Senior Director of Customer Experience at WP Engine talked through some best practices for a implementing a…

Customer Success Reimagined

When you’re in an industry that has completely taken off, sometimes you need to take a step back and say, “what were we trying to accomplish in the first place?” Customer Success as a whole has certainly skyrocketed across SaaS and subscription businesses. Five years ago if you said you worked in Customer Success people would have looked confused, fast forward only a couple years and now you can find VPs of Customer Success and Chief Customer Officers in the majority of SaaS organizations. As the market has grown and matured, what has consistently bubbled to the top is…

3 questions every new VP of Customer Success should answer

Part of the Customer Success Summit On-Demand Series Starting a new job anywhere can be a challenge, but starting a new job in an industry that is still being defined often has more questions than answers. For VPs of Customer Success the first 90 days in the role are critical for ensuring long term success, but it often feels like there is so much to do that you don’t know where to start. At Customer Success Summit Stephanie Schatz, SVP of Sales and Customer Success at Xamarin, took the time to outline three key questions that every new VP of Customer Success should tackle in the first 90 days. Watch the full session from Customer Success Summit. Here are the three questions every new VP of Customer Success …

The 3 Pillars of Customer Success: Culture, Technology and Health

Part of the Customer Success Summit On-Demand Series Depending on the company, Customer Success can be implemented in any number of ways. Small companies, large companies, B2B, B2C, high-touch, low-touch, all sorts of organizations approach this challenge with a myriad of different solutions. Despite all the different approaches, there are 3 areas that every company should look at to evaluate and optimize their Customer Success strategy: Employee Engagement, Technology, and Health. In his session at Customer Success Summit 2015 Jeff Can, Sr. Director Client Experience, Sysomos, talked about how focusing on these three areas helped Sysomos reduce churn by 25{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475}. Watch the …

Totango In Action: Helping Customer Success Professionals Win

As a Customer Success professional sometimes your job can seem daunting. You are responsible for driving the success of your entire customer portfolio and make sure they continue to use your product or service. Without a clear way to listen, understand and engage with your customers you’re often left with more questions than answers. Why did that customer churn without any notice?  How do I make this customer happy? What accounts have seen changes in …

A Simple Formula for Writing Super Clickable Button Copy

Is your call to action button copy clearly spelling out the action you want prospects to take? Image by Laineys Repertoire via Flickr. Successful landing pages tell stories that build in momentum and culminate with a super persuasive call to action. It doesn’t matter how awesome the rest of your landing page is – a poorly-written CTA button can bring all that conversion momentum to a halt. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we spoke with John Bonini, Director of Marketing at IMPACT, about the extraordinary results the company achieved from an A/B…

4 Ways a Lack of Clarity Could Be Killing Your Conversions

Don’t expect your customers to buy anything if they can’t understand what’s for sale. Image source: Terry Robinson. What’s the most important ingredient of a successful landing page? Witty copy? A beautiful design? An oh-so-clickable CTA? It’s clarity — creating a page that allows anyone to quickly determine what your offer is and if it’s right for them. If someone can’t understand what you’re selling, they’re certainly not going to be interested in buying it. Unfortunately, it’s also incredibly easy to mess it up. Creating a clear page requires that you put…

No Email Marketing Strategy is Complete Without These Two Tactics

Here’s why segmented emails and landing pages are conversion soul mates. Image by Kelly Keeton via Flickr. Conversion rate optimizers make landing pages. Email marketers send emails. The problem, however, is that the two departments aren’t always in sync. And if your marketing strategy isn’t unified across all channels, chances are you’re leaving conversions on the table. Email marketers must work hand-in-hand with conversion rate optimizers to create dedicated landing pages for specific email marketing campaigns. So what …

5 Advanced AdWords Strategies You Can Implement Today

Does your competition know about these advanced switches and dials in AdWords? Image by Marcin Wichary via Flickr. As Google AdWords gets increasingly competitive, we search marketers have to sniff around for treasure. Sometimes that treasure comes in the form of advanced switches and dials found deep within the AdWords interface – the little PPC campaign tweaks that make your ads more relevant and keep you ahead of the competition. I’m here to share five of those tips and tricks. Let’s get to it. 1. Test in-market audiences Ever wonder what Google does with the enormous amounts of data they’re quietly collecting about all of us as…