Business opps

What Habits Are On Your Morning Routine Checklist?

Usually I don’t tend to buy into headlines like “how to be more productive” or “how to improve your efficiency”, but recently I was pleasantly surprised by something I heard. One of the latest Pat Flynn Smart Passive Income podcast episodes was a whole thing about his daily habits and morning routine.  Normally I tend to gravitate more towards his bits about blogging and entrepreneurism.  But with the big recent changes in my health, I’ve been more open to…

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Niche Website Income Report 28 – $975 for March 2015

Thanks and welcome to the monthly progress and income report for my niche website business! Every month I like to share with you how things are going with website developments, challenges I’ve ran into, and cool new tricks I’ve discovered.  It’s all part of being an online entrepreneur and seeing if we can create something from nothing into a constant sustainable business. Right off the bat I’ll apologize and confess that I have not spent as much time working on my niche sites…

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How a Good Asset Allocation Model Can Impact Your Financial Future

Assets allocation is just not one of those topics that most people find particularly sexy.  Usually it’s the sort of thing that gets about as much attention as the instruction manual to your Blu-ray player. But as you’ll see below, it’s one of those parts of investing that you simply can’t ignore – largely because it can have a MAJOR effect on your finances and how long they ultimately last. The reason I wanted to bring this up is because of the roller-coaster of market activity lately.  In case you haven’t checked your stocks or 401k balance in a…

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Get Ready to SAVE BETTER! With My First eBook

Did you know that if you had started out your career maximizing your 401k every year, there’s a very distinct possibility that you would retire by age 62 with over $7 million dollars? Did you know that by saving your money in an IRA or 401k you’re actually saving as much as $509,774 over 30 years in compounded returns from NOT letting $4,500 slip away to taxes each year? Or, how about that a Roth-style 401k or…

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Farm Stores Launches Franchise Program

Farm Stores Launches National Franchise Program Nation’s Largest Drive-Thru Grocer to Capitalize on Families Constantly on the Move Farm Stores®, the largest, most innovative drive-thru store chain in America, announced today that it will begin franchising for the first time. The brand is targeting qualified single-unit and multi-unit candidates, as well as area developers nationwide. Farm Stores has been operating stores across Florida since 1957. The Farm Stores Concept The Farm Stores concept – a hybrid of…

Las ventajas de adquirir un SSL para nuestro Dominio

Como muchos de ustedes ya de seguro saben, las SSL son direcciones web encriptadas en formato “Https” aunque también se puede relacionar con firmas digitales para correos electrónicos. Esa protección de SSL, suele ser utilizada por tiendas Online, para ofrecer a sus clientes, seguridad a la hora de proporcionar sus datos personales o realizar compras, aunque en la actualidad ya no solo es utilizada por comercios Online, pues ya también es común ver que blogs …

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Business opps

Smooth International Transactions in Three Easy Steps

The rise and rise of the internet in recent years has been a blessing for businesses everywhere. Today, even the smallest, most insignificant SME or the newest start-up has access…Smooth International Transactions in Three Easy Steps is a post from:

14 Week Cancer Update and My Thoughts on Dying

I just wanted to give everyone another quick update on my fight with cancer.  Things have been going fairly well so far, although I’m starting to feel more of the cumulative effects of chemo.  This past week was somewhat of a milestone for me – I’m officially halfway through my treatments!  Within the next few weeks I’m scheduled for a PET scan where they will be able to tell just how much my tumor has shrunk.  Our fingers are crossed for some good news! Aside from the actual treatments themselves, I can tell you this – in the days of post-recovery after chemo, you get a lot of time to think and reflect on what’s going …

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Tax Information At-A-Glance

The group, provides a wide variety of information on federal and state tax policies including estate tax, sin tax, high investment taxes, cell phone taxes and film tax credits.

Business opps

Servage Hosting Review – SUCKS! Don’t Work With Them… Serious Scam

Just wanted to start this post to let you know that I had serious problems with servage hosting, and they suck. This is not the first time that I’m losing money because of these guys. You send traffic to the server and it crashes instantly. When you ask servage for your money they don’t give

Business opps

Payday Advance Advice To The Every day Particular person

payday loans online no direct deposit needed Get short-term loan in Denver, CO by using $ 400 faxless payday loans direct lenders no teletrack direct lender. Sometimes you may feel nervous about spending your debts this week? Do you have experimented with every thing? Do you have experimented with a payday loan? A payday loan can supply you with the amount of money you must pay out charges today, and you can spend the money for bank loan way back in amounts. Nevertheless, there are certain things you have to know. Keep reading for ideas to help …


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Business opps

Is the Conventional System to Create Wealth Rigged?

I’ve got a confession for all of you: I’m getting impatient! It was approximately 10 years ago that I first learned what a 401k was (I had never even heard of one before) and began my first steps towards saving for retirement. Like many of The post Is the Conventional System to Create Wealth Rigged? appeared first on My Money Design. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

3 Questions To Ask Before Barging Into Buying Out A Business

3 Questions To Ask Before Barging Into Buying Out A Business is a post from: Finally, the New Year is here and you can embark on that new venture you have been dreaming of – being your own boss. Before you walk into the first building with a ‘Business For Sale’ sign, you need to know exactly what you are doing. It is not smart to jump into a situation simply because &ldquo…