Business opps

Should you register as a sole trader or a limited company?

One of the most important decisions you’ll have to contend with is the structure and legal status your business will use moving forward: will you operate as a sole trader or as a limited company? The structure you choose can… is Now Open for Business! » Succeed As Your Own Boss

I am thrilled to announce that is officially open for business! After months of development, careful planning, and listening to the needs of my loyal women business owner, we’ve launched a platform designed to help you take your business…

If you really want to be well-liked by your colleagues, say goodbye to these 10 phrases

Navigating the office environment can sometimes be like walking on a tightrope. One wrong word here or there, and you might find yourself plummeting in your colleagues’ esteem. The key to being well-liked at work isn’t about being the most…

7 key hospitality EPOS features for a small business

If you run a single pub, restaurant, or cafe, it would be understandable for you to think that a modern hospitality EPOS system would be over the top for your business. Marketing by some EPOS providers can create this impression,…

Appreciated Branding with Reid Holmes » Succeed As Your Own Boss

Melinda F. Emerson, “SmallBizLady” is America’s #1 Small Business Expert. She is an internationally renowned keynote speaker on small business development, social selling, and online marketing strategy. As CEO of Quintessence Group, her Philadelphia-based marketing consulting firm serves Fortune 500…

10 signs you have a high quality man in your life (and you should never let him go)

Sorting the gems from the pebbles in the dating world can be a tough task. It’s not always about grand gestures or fairy-tale romance. Sometimes, it’s the subtle traits that truly define a high-quality man. Identifying these signs, however, can…

How to read a certificate of insurance

Insurance documentation can be a bit of a labyrinth – you sign up to a policy and suddenly you’re inundated with letters, leaflets and documents. But while your policy documents are important, it’s easy to ignore the certificates.  In this…

How to Provide Great Videos with Leticia Crippen » Succeed As Your Own Boss

In this episode, Melinda welcomes Leticia Crippen, who shares her journey in media and insights on video production. They discuss key components for getting started, including planning, scripting, and determining video style. Leticia covers essential tools and software to make…

7 Growth Hacks to Market Your Business with SEO

In today’s highly competitive online environment, numerous opportunities exist to stay ahead and succeed. Improving SEO and achieving better results for clients involves various factors, with social media and content marketing strategies playing a pivotal role. These strategies are instrumental…

What is the best cloud storage for UK small business?

What is cloud storage? Cloud storage means storing data and applications on remote servers and accessing them via the internet, as opposed to saving or installing them on your office server. The term cloud is used when data is stored…

10 Essential Metrics to Consider Before Expanding Your Small Business » Succeed As Your Own Boss

Expanding a small business is an exciting prospect, but it’s also a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and analysis. Making the leap too soon or without the right information can lead to costly mistakes. Before you decide to expand…

Insurance for Dog Walkers – Small Business UK

Like any other business, dog walkers need insurance – even if it’s a side hustle. This article will take you through the insurance essentials that come with being a dog walker. Alternatively, you can jump straight through to the section…

I Have Evidence with Melinda Emerson » Succeed As Your Own Boss

Melinda F. Emerson, “SmallBizLady” is America’s #1 Small Business Expert. She is an internationally renowned keynote speaker on small business development, social selling, and online marketing strategy. As CEO of Quintessence Group, her Philadelphia-based marketing consulting firm serves Fortune 500…

Can Forex Robots Boost Your Small Business’s Financial Strategy? A Beginner’s Guide

Can Forex Robots Boost Your Small Business’s Financial Strategy? A Beginner’s Guide – Small Business Bonfire Home » Business Finance » Can Forex Robots Boost Your Small Business’s Financial…

Stress – the silent culprit – 91% of employees are stressed at work

Stress is a serious problem in the workplace, as employee benefits consultancy Drewberry™ revealed in their 2024 Employee Benefits survey. The majority (91 per cent) of employees feel stressed at work and some even feel stressed about work outside the…

27 Irresistible Formulas for Developing Headlines That Make People Click » Succeed As Your Own Boss

When it comes to developing great content, your headlines are key. Headlines are your first—and often only—chance to capture the attention of potential readers. A compelling headline can mean the difference between a click and a pass. Whether you’re crafting…

The Essentials of Backup Appliances and Their Advantages

The Essentials of Backup Appliances and Their Advantages – Small Business Bonfire Home » Technology » The Essentials of Backup Appliances and Their Advantages Source link

Can you make employees sign an NDA?

An NDA, or non-disclosure agreement, is a fairly simple and oft-used document, but its use can be highly controversial, particularly when used to prevent disclosure of workplace disputes. In this article we examine what NDAs are, when and why employers…

Hit It & Quit It with Elaine Pofeldt, Maggie Lord, and Valdez Lasartemay » Succeed As Your Own Boss

In this episode, Melinda Emerson introduces guests Elaine Pofeldt, Maggie Lord and Valdez Lasartemay. The guests share their favorite podcasts, business tools, marketing tips, book recommendations providing practical advice for small business owners. Elaine Pofeldt is an independent journalist who specializes in…

Ransomware Explained: How It Operates and Prevention Methods

Ransomware Explained: How It Operates and Prevention Methods – Small Business Bonfire Home » Technology » Ransomware Explained: How It Operates and Prevention Methods Source link

How to get more control over your business budgeting 

Whether you need to reduce your expenses to make it through economic headwinds or you want to improve your margins to free up more working capital for growth, budget control is an ever-present challenge for business owners. This is especially…

Design a Daily LinkedIn Prospecting Process » Succeed As Your Own Boss

  Leveraging LinkedIn for prospecting can be a game-changer for your network growth and business development, especially if you are a B2B business. LinkedIn provides a powerful platform to connect with industry leaders, potential clients, and like-minded professionals. However, effective…

How Branded Merchandise & Giveaways Can Power Your Small Business Marketing Strategy

How Branded Merchandise & Giveaways Can Power Your Small Business Marketing Strategy – Small Business Bonfire Home » Branding » How Branded Merchandise & Giveaways Can Power Your Small…

Can your business help to achieve net zero?

Follow these seven tips to start reducing your business’s carbon footprint and help Great Britain achieve net zero Net zero is the global goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero, either through complete elimination or by balancing emissions with…