Stephanie Saretsky

A Simple Formula for Writing Super Clickable Button Copy

Is your call to action button copy clearly spelling out the action you want prospects to take? Image by Laineys Repertoire via Flickr. Successful landing pages tell stories that build in momentum and culminate with a super persuasive call to action. It doesn’t matter how awesome the rest of your landing page is – a poorly-written CTA button can bring all that conversion momentum to a halt. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we spoke with John Bonini, Director of Marketing at IMPACT, about the extraordinary results the company achieved from an A/B…

Your Social Media Campaigns Should Never Skip This One Step [PODCAST]

Are you putting your social media campaigns to the test? Image by timlewisnm via Flickr. On the surface, running a social media campaign seems relatively straightforward. Write your copy, create your assets, set up tracking and then queue it all up in your social media scheduling tool. Simple enough, right? But if you want to run social media campaigns that actually move the needle for your business and bring you measurable results, then there’s one important step you should never skip: A/B testing your campaigns. In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we speak with Marcus Taylor, founder and CEO of Venture Harbour, about why (and how) you should be testing your social media campaigns. In this episode you’ll learn……

Retargeting, As Explained by Nerf Guns [PODCAST]

Here’s how to get better at retargeting, as explained by Nerf Guns. Image by Jake Sutton via Flickr. Sometimes, your landing page visitors aren’t quite ready to convert. At least not yet. And that’s all right. There isn’t much you can do to convince people who simply need more time, but there is a lot you can do to remind them that you exist and gently nudge them toward conversion. Which is where retargeting comes in. In this episode, we talk to Johnathan Dane…