
Price Action with Binary Options

Price action is used in binary options to trade with current price behavior while placing less emphasis on past prices. You save more time using price action and see more trading opportunities There are hundreds of trading strategies available that advertise their performance, how accurate their market readings are and what you should do to get your hands on them. Yet, time and time again, the one form of trading that always seems to outperform the rest is price action trading. What is price action…

How to Select Good Tenants

How to select good tenants? If you ever thought about investing in real estate, renting out your home or a room in your home, you should read this!  Earning money from income property can make you rich or cause you a lot of problems!  Late rent, bothering other tenants, destroying property in their unit and elsewhere are just some of the problems you can avoid! So take it seriously! Details, Details, Details The best way to avoid  bad tenants is to never rent to them in the first place!  Take your time, do not rush!  Whether you buy an apartment building or rent out your home, condominium or a room in your home, you will have a vacancy at some time.  …

Recovering from a Massive Trading Loss

The most important element of successful trading is the ability to manage risk and maintain composure. Even the best traders in the world lose on a regular basis.  Success in trading therefore is not about avoiding losses.  In contrast, we must embrace the process of losing and learn to lose gracefully.  The best traders are also the best losers.  We learn that losing is simply a part of trading that can’t be avoided or ignored.   My friend Ross …

Thinking of Buying a Rental Property in a College Town? Do Your Research First

If you have kids in college, or kids about to go away to college and you’ve looked at the price of on-campus housing these days, you may have thought to yourself, “boy that’s expensive.” Then, the investment side of your brain kicks in and you start to wonder about the potential return on buying a house near the college and renting it out to your daughter and five of her friends. If you’ve mulled over thoughts like these, rest assured, you’re not alone. According to an informal survey of Coldwell Banker agents conducted last year, more than one-third of…

4 Ways to Make Money through Online Marketing and Save It

You can find several ways to make money online. One of the best ways to make money online is through online marketing. Below are some ways that you could make money through online marketing. Do affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing involves marketing and promoting other peoples products in order to earn a small commission on the sale of products that you manage to direct people to buy. You can promote products without having to manage the sales …

10 Things You Don’t Know about Money

You use money every day, yet you know very little about how to use it effectively! It should be no surprise that rich successful people spent the time and effort to learn about money. They do this without the benefit of a formal class or education. How do they do it? Simply said, they make an effort to learn about money. Here are 10 things you don’t know about money Credit cards are not evil – Too often I hear people complain or blame credit cards for their overspending.  Credit cards are issued to adults and you have to handle them responsibly. In many …

Teaching Financial Literacy to Kids

Since this is National Financial Literacy Month, I thought I would start with a definition.  “Financial Literacy is the ability to make informed judgments and effective decisions regarding the use and management of money”.  Too many Americans are insufficiently educated about their personal finances.Why is it important and when should you learn it? Financial Literacy is a basic skill that is needed to function in society.  Every person needs these skills to deal with financial problems, manage money and to make sound economic decisions…

What’s your Retirement IQ?

What is your retirement IQ? IQ is short for intelligence quotient! IQ testing was popular for many years because it was a way of assessing your intelligence and potential. Unfortunately, it also measured parental social status. It was used as a predictor of educational achievement, job performance, income and special needs. Saving for retirement does not take a high IQ or even much money. How is your retirement IQ? Savings – This is the first step to achieve your financial goals. Intellectually, we all know we need savings to achieve your goals, but it is difficult. I disagree; you …

What You Can Learn from Kids

I love to watch kids play!  They are so willing to take chances and push boundaries.  It is fascinating to watch how they seem to discover a toy or something for the first time.  Have you ever watched a child interact with a dog?  They will pet the dog and laugh.  Then it goes further until the dog signals he/she has had enough.  Children are naturally curious! Children are great sales people! If they want something, they stay after you until they get it.  Is that being stubborn or tenacious?  Good sales people…

Never Pay Full Price for Anything

Who pays full price for a car?  No one!  Yet there are stories of people paying over list price for high demand vehicles such as Toyota Prius.  Do you negotiate prices in every purchase?  Of course not, that would be too much trouble.  So when would it be worth it?  There are two (2) categories of purchases that would be worth negotiating a better price.  The first is a large purchase such as buying a house, car or travel. The second is recurring purchases such as groceries, services, or clothes. This is …

Budgets and Diets Are a Waste of Time!

Budgets and diets are a waste of time! Most, if not all personal finance (PF) bloggers are probably surprised I would say that. A budget or diet is not the answer for overspending or overeating. If these things worked for everyone, there would be no debt or overweight people. A budget or diet is intended to help us reach a financial or personal goal. Do budgets or diets even work? I spent my entire career preparing budgets, five (5) year plans, strategic plans and business…