
Which Winnie-the-Pooh Character Are You?

One reason the Winnie-the-Pooh characters created by A. A. Milne have lasted for decades is the uniqueness of their personalities. Most of us know real life Tiggers, Eeyores and Poohs. In fact, most of us can see some of these three in our own lives. I don’t claim to know exactly how these three would manage their money, but this article is a fun exercise in speculation. Because I believe that our personalities and…

Posted on Joe

Financial – and Life – Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage

As I bask in the celebration of our recent 40th wedding anniversary, complete with surprise readings from each child, child-in-law and grandchild, I can see some great personal finance applications of the principles Jan and I used raising our four children. My quandary is that in order to share the financial lessons, I am obligated to share what our kids had to say in their readings. I therefore ask myself, “Is this more about boasting on what great kids we have or helping my readers with their finances?” I will let you be the judge…

Posted on Joe

Is Dr. David Eifrig’s Retirement Trader .COM a Scam or What?

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve heard on of the many radio ads for RetirementTrader.COM and are wondering if the Retirement Trader Bucket System is real or some kind of investing scam? It’s understandable. It certainly sounds like a scam. Retirement Trader is presented as the investment secret of a retired doctor, and he’s sharing his system with you, dear listener! All you have to do is go to the website mention about a …