Jackie Dove

Hands on with Microsoft HoloLens: My evening at the Holographic Academy

No doubt about it. HoloLens, the “mixed reality” headset under development from Microsoft, really lit up the company’s rather academic Build 2015 keynote. First unveiled at its Windows 10 event in January, HoloLens is a headset device that allows you to see high resolution 3D content at a 1:1 scale within the existing environment. Much of the HoloLens excitement is generated by the mystique surrounding it, amped with considerable precision by the staff of the Hologram Academy who expertly herded their

WikiLeaks has started accepting secret documents again after nearly five years

You can once again submit secrets to WikiLeaks anonymously, without worrying that some network spy or even a WikiLeaks staffer will reveal your identity. The site announced today that, after several years, it has now launched a beta version its leak submission system running on Tor, the anonymity software. This will once again allow people to share secret documents and tips, according to a report by Wired. This new secure site will upload documents to the WikiLeaks staff. It’s been four and a half years since some WikiLeaks