Erin Eagan

Become an Expert Merchandise Demonstrator

Still searching for an idea for your next business opportunity? Merchandise demonstrators, also called “product specialists” teach potential customers about various products including food, cosmetics, electronics and appliances. They set up a display, greet customers, demonstrate a product and answer questions – the goal being to increase branding and sell merchandise.Most merchandise demonstrators start out small, like handing out samples at a grocery store for anywhere from $25-$50 a day. From that point, it’s a matter of working your way up through networking. Eventually, start establishing relationships with large corporations for a chance to represent …

Tips to Avoid the Work from Home Doldrums

If you’ve been working from home for any length of time, you’ve likely discovered what many others who do the same have also discovered. It’s a lot more difficult than you initially thought it would be.Of course, it’s great to not have to deal with a commute or to deal with office drama, but the home/work environment isn’t without its drawbacks. When you’re commuting from your bed to your desk, it can be hard to stay motivated. It can also be hard to establish home/work separation.RELATED: TIPS AND TRICKS FOR RUNNING A BUSINESS OUT OF YOUR HOMESo, what can you do to make sure that working from home doesn’t become more of a problem…

Need a Small Business Loan? Try an Online Lender

As a small business owner, have you had to pull cash and credit from every available source just to keep your business up and running? If so, you’re not alone.Obtaining a bank loan or credit line is difficult and can be a long, drawn-out process. For banks, small-dollar loans aren’t economical, and therefore, aren’t worth the time or hassle. Yet they are exactly the type of loans that most small businesses need. That’s a formula that for years hasn’t added up, as many failed entrepreneurs know…

Is an Incubator Right for Your Startup?

For many startups, getting involved with an incubator can be a great move. However, not every startup should become involved with one, and the ones that do shouldn’t simply sign up with the first incubator that shows interest.If your startup is considering an incubator, and you’re just getting started in the process of finding one, then here’s what you should be doing.Decide What You Want to GainAt the outset, you’re probably thinking only of the capital that an incubator is going to invest in your startup. That’s a huge mistake. The real benefit of an incubator doesn’t come from the capital that you get; it comes from everything else.For one, any incubator is going …

How to Choose the Right Location for Your Franchise

You know what they say about real estate, right? It’s all location, location, location. That’s something you’ll hear again and again, and it’s something you’ll hear even more about starting a business as a prospective franchisee.No doubt, your future success as a franchisee depends in no small part on your ability to select an appropriate locations for the franchise that you own. So what goes into choosing that perfect location? That’s what we’ll be exploring …

Cybersecurity Startups Are In Demand

Cyber attacks are dangerous and can be crippling. And unfortunately, they’re growing in number, affecting businesses and government agencies nationwide.This increase in cyber attacks has made cybersecurity and in-demand profession. Experts in cybersecurity are now among the most sought-after professionals in the tech sector. The timing is right to consider a new career as a cybersecurity professional.Most positions in the cybersecurity sector require at least a bachelor’s degree. Check into programs offering this specialized education. Your newfound knowledge will quickly pay off. Based on…

7 Startup Incubators to Check Out

One way that many are attempting to get their startup businesses off the ground is by entering into a relationship with an incubator. Startup incubators provide an easy way for fledgling businesses to get the support they need as they try to get up and running, helping with everything from financing to networking. If  you think an incubator might be the best choice for your startup business, here are seven that you should look into:i/o VenturesWe might as well begin in the city that’s perhaps best known for incubators and the tech industry: San Francisco, Calif. As you might expect, some …

Grow a Green Concepts Business

Indoor plants add a beautiful touch of nature to otherwise sterile environments. Think about it. You see them everywhere, yet have you ever wondered who takes care of them all? Now, you can do just that with Green Concepts.Green Concepts rents fresh plants to offices, lobbies, hotels, banks, restaurants and more. As a home-based business, it’s the perfect opportunity for an entrepreneur looking for flexible hours.Green Concepts partners receive:a free websiteunlimited phone and email support15 hours of DVD trainingdesign software,trademark logosmonthly newsletters andaccess to the “Photo Club” where you get to share before and after photosand moreFor more

How to Vet a Business Opportunity

So, someone’s offered you a cherry-sounding business opportunity, but you’re not sure whether or not you should pull the trigger. Before you throw caution to the wind and jump headfirst into anything, you’ve got to do your homework.Sure, sometimes it can seem fun to take a devil-may-care attitude toward your business, after all, no risk no reward, right? Wrong. Failing to do the homework on a business opportunity that’s been presented to you can have dire consequences, ones that have the potential to follow you throughout your…

Next Week Is National Small Business Week

Monday marks the start of National Small Business Week (May 4-8), a week-long event put on by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in celebration of entrepreneurs and small business owners all across the country. This year’s theme will be “SBA: Dream Big, Start Small.”Every year since 1963, SBA takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners and others from across the nation through National Small Business Week.Not only is the U.S. Small Business Administration hosting a series of events, but many other businesses and organizations are joining in as well. This year’s events will take place in Miami, Los Angeles, San Antonio, New York City and culminating in Washington, D.C. where national winners…

The 5 Richest Entrepreneurs in the World

When you’re an entrepreneur, you start at the bottom, with an idea, hard work and determination. The goal is, obviously, to become rich beyond your wildest dreams while doing something that you love. When you’re mired in the day-to-day operation of your small business, though, it can be difficult to keep your mind focused on the goal that could be just over the horizon. Therefore, we thought we’d take a peek at the 5 richest entrepreneurs in the world, as they’ll give you something to aspire toward. Sheldon AdelsonSheldon would be able to tell you that there’s a lot of money to be made from gambling, particularly if you’re the house. …

Make Woodworking Work for You

Are you into woodworking? Have you been thinking about starting a business making and selling furniture? There’s good news. There is a market for it, and there is an opportunity for you with EUREKA Woodworks.With EUREKA Woodworks, you decide how quickly, and how big, you want to grow your business. Full-time? Part-time? Do you want to work from home, or set up shop somewhere else? The choice is yours.EUREKA Woodworks will train, develop and provide you with everything you need to efficiently build and effectively market over 40 different designs using western woods that are…