Derek Halpern

Is this the NEW way to build an email list? Survey says…

…YES. If you want to create – and sell – online courses, you NEED an email list. And for the last decade, building an email list usually went something like this… You would send people to an optin page. Maybe you’d offer them an ebook, or a free download, or something like that. And it worked. But there may be a NEW way to build an email list… Is This The NEW Way …


Yep! I look ridiculous. It’s on purpose — And why you must be weird.

If you’ve ever seen my YouTube channel, one of the first things you might notice is that I look ridiculous in half of my thumbnail pictures. Why would I publish these truly unfortunate freeze frames when I have much better pictures I could be using? The answer is simple: What stands out gets remembered. What blends in gets forgotten. And people remember those weird pictures because they stand out. I remember when I first met Tim Ferriss. At the time, Social Triggers was already a popular website and we had a few mutual friends in common…

How to Get Major Press For Your Startup, Small Business, Or Website (with No Connections and Without a PR firm)

The benefits of getting featured in a major newspaper, on a huge blog, in an industry-leading magazine, or on TV are clear: The RIGHT coverage can flood your business with hundreds (and sometimes THOUSANDS) of new users, prospects, and customers. (Who doesn’t want more customers? ) The RIGHT coverage will make your phone blowup with calls (and text messages) from friends, family, and colleagues (“Dude, I just saw you on…”)…