
Flipping My First House – 8 Weeks…and Continuing

My friend Joshua has decided to try his hand at flipping houses. He wanted to write about his house flip, and I wanted to learn from it, so I invited him to publish his experiences here. If you haven’t yet read the first two posts, I have provided the links below so you can catch up!Post 1: Flipping My First HousePost 2: Flipping My First House – 5 Weeks InThe Past 3 Weeks…Even the best laid plans sometimes don’t work out, but that is no reason to give up on them. I had the goal of finishing my flip house in eight weeks. That just simply isn’t going to happen. This doesn’t mean that my project is a failure, it just means …

Still Growing in Popularity – Goals Update #17

Whew! It seems like every week is crazier than the last, and this past week has certainly been no different. I traveled to New York on a business trip a week and a half ago, and since then my article, “9 Things the Rich Do That the Poor Do Not” was picked up by Business Insider, and then because of it’s popularity was set up as a featured article on their site! All in all, that article had over 191,000 views and…

21 Things I Always Get From the Dollar Tree

Over the course of my adulthood, I have slowly discovered the amazingness of the dollar store. An item that typically costs $4 or $5 at another retail establishment might only cost $1 at the dollar store. After a few of these purchases, the savings could really add up! So why not just put a list together of the things we should be purchasing from the dollar store?Before I dive into my list of 21 things I always get from the Dollar Tree, I want to make a very important note. All dollar stores are not created equal. In addition to the Dollar Tree, you might…

9 Things You Should Be Embarrassed to Finance

Our grandparents’ generation never financed anything. In fact, it was considered stupid. If, in 1950, you told your neighbor that you got a super low interest rate on your brand new car, they would have looked at you like you were on fire. Cash was the method of choice for almost every purchase – even houses! Don’t believe me? According to a study performed at the University of Pennsylvania, in 1949, the average debt on a person’s house was approximately 20{0e584ec94eaa64d073763ee1dc286a1f4d0f941424b1448bbfd01af7d90f9475} …

The DIY House Renovation is Complete! Check Out the Photos!

google_ad_client = “ca-pub-3879908623510580”; /* 300×250, created 11/10/10 */ google_ad_slot = “7037050704”; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250;So believe it or not, but the DIY house renovation is complete! I’m actually not sure I believe it yet! The renovation started in August 2011, and now it is finally complete almost a year and a half later. After all of these renovations though, I absolutely love the house. With each nook and cranny, I see my handy work and it all came out better than I even expected.The…