Claire Vignon

Why Retailers Should Stop Copying is a popular reference in the e-commerce industry, and for a good reason. Amazon tests every change on its site and never settles for anything less than high converting design and UX.I love Amazon for driving awareness and curiosity around A/B testing. However, Iā€™m sometimesĀ frustrated when Amazon lures my clients into thinking that everything it does should be implemented on their own website.A few days ago, a client of WiderFunnel’s wanted to increase the size of the cart in their header. Why? Because Amazon does it.It might be a valid hypothesis. If …

Checkout Funnel: Is the Shortest Path Always Best?

Not optimizing your checkout funnel could be costing you millions.I’ve helped a lot of companies optimize their e-commerce websites and mobile apps checkout funnels. My clients often have questions like:How many pages, steps, or even minutes, does a user take to get from decision to purchase?What are best practices to increase conversions and revenue?Should the number of steps be reduced? Simplified? Consolidated?Checkout funnels can seem complicated. The truth is, when you break it down, the checkout funnel is simply the series of steps (pages or clicks) a user takes to get from a landing page to the ‘Thank You’ page. The checkout is the last step in the conversion …