Andrew Anderson

Lies Your Designer Told You (or Data vs Design)

Designers versus data more than ever deserves its place in the pantheon of great conflicts: the Hatfields vs. McCoys, Android vs. iOS, Social Media Marketing vs. Results, Athens vs. Sparta, the Doctor vs. Daleks, Auburn vs. Alabama, and Fox News vs. reality. We make this out to be some great collision of disciplines when in fact they are not opposites and they can and should work together. To do so requires the dropping of a lot of false constraints that we place them in. Its all the lies that we tell others and especially the ones we tell ourselves that…

Lies Your Optimization Guru Told You

Before you get out your pitchforks, I want to stress that this article does not represent Peep’s views. The easiest lies to believe are the ones we want to be true, and nothing speaks to us more than validation of the work we are doing or what we already believe.  Due to this we become naturally defensive when someone challenges that world view. The “truth” is that there is no single state of truth and that all actions, disciplines, and behaviors can and should be evaluated for growth opportunities.  It doesn’t matter if we are designers, optimizers, product managers, marketers, executives, or engineers, we all come from …