Month: May 2023

Financial Freedom From Lipstick and Bras

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | RadioPublic | Stitcher | RSS Editor’s Note: This episode initially aired on Jan. 19, 2023. It may contain some details that are out of date. Side hustles are…

Europol’s Operation SpecTor leads to massive dark web drug bust

Coordinated by Europol and the US Department of Justice, yesterday, Operation SpecTor seized over €50mn in cash and cryptocurrency, 850 kg of drugs (including amphetamines, cocaine, MDMA and ecstasy pills) and 117 firearms. The latter, contrary to Europol’s choice of…



The Random Show with Kevin Rose — The $1M Bitcoin Bet, Japanophilia, Rare IPAs, Preventing Hangovers, AI Companions, Fringe Discords, Affordable Luxuries, High-Fidelity Audio, and Much More (#670)

Illustration via 99designs Technologist, serial entrepreneur, world-class investor, self-experimenter, and all-around wild and crazy guy Kevin Rose (@KevinRose) rejoins me for another episode of The Random Show. In this one, we discuss affordable luxuries for priceless lives, suiting up for a visit to…

3 Common Myths About Real Estate Investing Debunked

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Successful people know the value of investments. There are several ways to become extremely wealthy in life, but few carry the same track record as investing in real estate. Real estate investing…

Woman Sells Feet Pics on Fun With Feet, Earns $5K a Month Income

Chrissy, a creator on the erotic website Fun With Feet, sells photos there as her primary income. She told Insider how she got started, using her iPhone and chatting online with clients. Chrissy makes an average of $5,000 each month…

50+ Top 2023 B2B Marketing Events To Learn From

What are some of this year’s key events, conferences and trade shows — whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid — where B2B marketers can learn the latest from leading marketing industry speakers? There are plenty to choose from, and to help…

Generative AI: considerations for small businesses

The Xero Responsible Data Use Advisory Council recently held its seventh meeting, with a focus on the extraordinary developments in the field of generative AI, and the myriad potential applications for small business.  The council is made up of myself,…

10 Part-Time Jobs for People Who Love to Talk

Evgeny Atamanenko / Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on For some people, talking is their favorite thing to do. They love nothing more than striking up a conversation with someone new or spending hours chatting with friends….

7 PHOTOGRAPHY SIDE HUSTLES to make extra money [Online] | $100 to $1,000 per month

Visit: The world of photography has changed and photographers have to be creative to make … source

All you need to know about customer behavior modeling

01st Jun 2020 – Remember Professor Charles Francis Xavier from X-Men? Professor X, as he was fondly called, was a mutant who had the superhuman ability to read and control the minds of others.  If a person can control the…

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Are Privileged

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As a Black woman entrepreneur, I’ve managed to run a successful diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultancy for the past six years. But I promise, it wasn’t easy. For me, becoming an…

Dems Plotted for Months to Try and Bypass McCarthy, Force Debt Ceiling Vote

Democrats have prepared to use an obscure legal strategy to force a vote to raise the debt ceiling. Attempting the rarely-successful move, called a discharge petition, requires months of legal prep. All 213 Democratic members, plus five Republicans, need to…

Making Extra Money Online Without Investing Cash (2023)

Are you currently there and wondering how you can start making extra money and make ends meet? Many of us who’re in employment do find it difficult to comfortably meet their daily needs. It is because of these categories of…

Avoiding Subscriber Fatigue During Overwhelming Circumstances

How to stand out in crowded inboxes by creating community and offering value to your subscribers. During the past few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, your subscribers’ inboxes have been flooded with emails. It’s easy for any reader to feel…

7 ways to reduce your corporation tax bill

In April 2023, the rates of corporation tax increased from 19 to 25 per cent. Small businesses that make a profit must pay corporation tax within nine months of their year-end, but not every business need pay the higher rate….

How to Use Digital PR to Improve E-E-A-T Signals

The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. If there is poor quality information being served up in the SERPs, Google will have a big problem:…

On to the next thing

Vitally important, rarely taught, easily messed up. In order to go onto the next thing, which we all do (unless you’re still wearing pajamas with feet and taking ballet lessons), we need to walk away from the last thing. Wrap…

7.5 Passive Income Ideas To Easily Make $500/Day

Do you wish finance news wasn’t so boring and hard?* Try our FREE newsletter HERE: *Want to … source

The Entrepreneur’s Guide (+ 9 Real Examples)

12th Apr 2022 – So you’ve heard about A/B testing through the grapevine. Maybe your competitor casually mentioned it on a podcast or your marketing team thinks it’s a great idea. Or the growth agency you’re in talks with wants…

Remote Work Skeptics Are Forgetting Their Most Valuable Asset. Here’s Why.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. While there’s a widely-held belief that three days a week in the office is the magic number, with a number of large companies adopting it, it’s a fundamentally flawed approach. Instead, what…

Ukraine Soldiers Use Video Game Consoles to Operate Machine Gun Mounts

Photos show Ukrainian soldiers using a Steam Deck to operate the Sabre weapon system. The US Navy has used Xbox controllers in some submarines since 2018. The US military is also investing in weapons systems that utilize Xbox-style controllers. Loading…

Paul Roetzer on AI & Uniquely Human Content for Ignite USA

Before we know it, B2B Ignite USA 2023 will be here. The anticipating for the event is building and are excited to share a sneak peek of the latest B2B marketing insights from Paul Roetzer, founder and CEO at Marketing…

Happy National Small Business Week 2023 » Succeed As Your Own Boss

National Small Business Week 2023 (NSBW) kicks off from May 1 — May 6, 2023. This annual week-long celebration honors the nation’s small businesses with events occurring nationwide and online. America’s 33 million small businesses should take a BOW and celebrate…